Page 271 - 1993.Millard.North
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Senior Melissa Florio and friend show the carefree
spirit of the party by modelling their pick of head
wear amongst an array of decorations and
Juniors Carrie Bishoff and Scott Brown hang on to
their bags of prizes from some of the 264
businesses that contributed to the party .
ers that gave up their sleep to give Although few people were
Creates students things to do were really ap- -from a Prom fashion show put on at
aware, the Post Prom party won $1 000
preciated," said JuniorShifra Shrago.
The parents volunteered to West roads Mall. Senior Jill Schaefer
Fishy run games like ski-ball,where one attended the show. "They gave it to us
because we were the school with the
could win an official After Prom beach
towel, or wood horse roping to win most people there." That money was
sailor hats. put to use on enough food to feed 20
Several teachers gave their football teams. There was pizza, soda,
Experience all to put on a lip-sync show several Subway, danishes, fruit (to tie in the
- Debbi Eades times in the 9-10 cafeteria. They tropic theme) , and cotton candy. "No
swung their hips and strutted to the matter where you were, there was
After spending an evening oldies all morning long . food close by," said Senior Tonya
dancing "Above The Clouds," there Even though the After Prom Wingender.
was no place more appropriate to play party was created to keep kids off the Not all juniors and seniors at-
until the wee hours but "Under The streets and out of trouble Prom night, tended the Prom dance itself, but many
Sea. " Yes, this After Prom theme gave the administration still took measures managed to go to the party and keep
all sorts of possibilities. Everything to avoid problems with hotel parties. their eyes open until 5:30 Sunday
from an entrance slide (to get under Principal Ike Pane and other adminis- morning. "It was really a good time, but
the sea) to fish bowl centerpieces filled trators called hotels in the area to I needed a couple more days to re-
with gold fish crackers was thought of. warn them of the possibilities of un- cover," said Senior Karen
"All of the parents and teach- derage drinking parties. Tramontozzi.