Page 273 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 273
Junior Mike Johnette congratulates Senior Todd
Doxzon on a valiant effort in the State final and for
the whole year while Junior Doug Mason follows
close behind . Prep defeated the Mustangs in the
seventh inning by one run . ( Jon Waller)
Roncalli 10-6
Bell. East 11 - 3
Lincoln S.East 7-1
Papillion 6 - 10
Millard South 9- 1
Central 7- 0
Bryan 13-5
South 10-0
Ralston 5-4
Benson 7-1
Lincoln East 13- 1
Prep 11 - 5
Gross 11 - 1
Bell. East 13-3
Papio 10-8
14 Wins I loss
Bell. East 9- 1
Ralston 10- 13
Millard South 4 - 3
Lincoln S. East 12-4
Prep 4-5
Overall Record 17 - 3
State son. Senior James Randels said, "The rain Mustangs in team hitting. Leading were Jun-
was really bothering us because we were all
ior Adam Bealle (.490), followed by Junior
sick of playing inside." After an early loss to
Papillion, the Mustangs never looked back Matt Ferguson (.455), Doxzon (.41 0,19 RBI 's,
and State Tournament's MVP), Mike Pohl
winning 12 consecutive games and posting a
Revisited berth to the State tournament before Districts (.407, 25 RBI 's) , and Chris Hesse (.358, 33
stolen bases).
even started. The team was a number one
Fans thought the main problem of
seed in State before District Championship. the team would be its pitching because it lost
In the first round at State, the Mus-
Once Again tangs survived a scare against Millard South. five seniors , but they were proven wrong.
The team was led by Junior Doug Mason (5-
The team was losing 3-2 going into the sixth
0, 0.66 ERA), Tim Vint (3-0, 1.96 ERA),
- K.J. Ridley & Jill Hoover when Scott Harrell tied it up and Jon Small Doxzon (2-0, 3.06 ERA), and Brett Ray (3-0,
slapped the game winner, scoring Todd 3.88 ERA). Hesse thought the fans were not
Millard North's big bats and good Doxzon. According to Small the game was fair at the beginning of the season, "We
pitching paved the way for another state very scary, "During that whole game we proved everyone wrong because our pitch-
tournament appearance. began to realize it might be our last game for ing was great and our bats came around, so
The Mustangs wasted no time at the seniors, so we all made sure it wasn't. In we were blowing our opponents away."
the beginning of the season. The only thing the final game the Mustangs came up one run After the season was over, the
that was stopping the team from winning shy of another state championship trophy Mustangs could boast of five straight State
was the weather. The team only completed losing to Creighton Prep 4-5. appearances and a winning regular sea-
four out of their first nine games of the sea- No other team competed with the son.