Page 275 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 275
Sophomore Dale Barr moves out quickly after a
base hit against Roncalli. He managed to play on
both the Reserve and JV teams as short stop.
However, he played only one game on Reserve.
(Melanie Goddard)
Lincoln Southeast 10-7
Papillion/LaVista 9-3
Omaha Westside 9-2
Ralston 0-4
Omaha South 13-2
Millard South 4-3
Omaha Benson 12-1
Omaha Gross 7-6
Omaha North 6-8
7 wins 2 losses
Millard South 12-2
Elkhorn 6-4
Bellevue West 10-0
Burke 11-4
Burke 9-6
. . . Ralston 12-0
Millard South
-ยท Bellevue East 15-2
7 wins 1 loss
Both the JV and the newly
The Reserve Team of 15 play-
Teams formed Reserve Baseball Teams ended ers consisted of ninth and tenth grad-
ers who finished the season with all
with winning seasons.
The JV team was scheduled to wins except one.
End On play 17 games, but was only able to showed that the team worked well
Having a good season record
compete in nine games ending its sea-
together; this was proven in the game
son with a record of 7-2 . Having only
Winning played less then half the games that against Ralston. Because of a tie, the
game went into nine innings instead of
were schedule because of rain , Coach
Jeff Alfrey said ,"l was very pleased
the usual seven. "We had good pitch-
with the improvement the team made ing depth, and it showed we could hold
Note over the season." a good lead against teams that we
played." said Coach Kevin Koch.
Having a strong JV team and
Finishing a season was a chal-
winning pitcher helped the team take
on a winning streak. "We had a good lenge said Sophomore Tom Brady.
team this year; the freshmen that came "Baseball is an easy game. You throw
in did a good job and the pitching was the ball and catch the ball. Sometimes
superb," said Sophomore Andy you lose, and sometimes you win .
- Wendy Malesa
Alloway. Sometime it just rains ," he said .