Page 279 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 279
Senior Brian Augustine finishes his 800 meter run
at State placi ng sixth . He also placed fourth in the
High Jump there. (Jon Waller)
Straining to make some distance in the triple jump
is Senior Adam McCune. However, his best
efforts came in the 400 meter relay where the team
set a school record of 43.01 to place fifth at State.
Metro Soph . Meet 1st
Fremont Frosh. lnv. 4th
Millard North Frosh. lnv. cancelled
Nebraska Wesleyan Invite 3rd-60pts.
Millard North Relays 3rd-44pts.
• ..,.... • •.j;> - Columbus Invite 3rd-93pts .
-~. ·:.......----~~ ::.~~ ~ Millard South Invite 3rd-72pts.
Fremont Invite 4th-71pts.
··L"i:.····<-::7::: ~· ~-: :=-:. Norfolk Invite 3rd-74pts.
~ .. ·~ ~ -· . :~. . - ... Metro Conference 3rd 54pts.
Districts 2nd
-· . State 8th
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Team opened the season with a third place the first day of competion Augustine
The Varsity Boys' Track Team
Cizek and Grojean in the 200. In
finish at the Nebraska Wesleyan Invita-
placed third in the 800, Cizek placed first
tional . Senior Jeff Cizek lead the way by in the triple jump and Grojean placed
Captures finishing first in the long jump, second in second in the 400. The team ended up
the triple jump, and third in the 60 meter getting third at Metro.
dash. Also setting a school record in the Districts brought a second place
300 with a time of :33:9 seconds was team finish. State qualifying team mem-
Eighth At Senior Ben Grojean. bers were Cizek, Augustine, Grojean,
At the Fremont Invitational the Freshman Scott Schaefer, Sophomores
team placed fourth . Grojean finished Jay Uphoff, Todd Hilkemann, Jeff
State first in the 400 and fourth in the 200, Armitage, Ryan Flynn , and Senior Adam
Senior Brian Augustine finished first in McCune.
the high jump and fifth in the 800, and The team finished eighth at the
Cizek finished first in the 200 and second State Track Meet. Placing at the meet
in the triple jump. were Cizek, Grojean, Augustine, Flynn,
Qualifing for Metro finals were and McCune.
- Natasha Major