Page 277 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 277
During the Millard North Relays, Freshman Ann
Heaney hands off the baton to Junior Kathy Kearns
in the 1600 meter relay. (Dana Zucker)
Burke Relays 1st out of 8
136 pts.
Millard North Relays 1st out of 8
96 pts.
Ram Relays 1st out of 14
82 pts.
Millard South Invite 1st out of 7
168 pts .
Fremont Invite 1st out of 8
118 pts .
Norfold Invite 1st out of 8
151 pts .
Metro Championship 1st out of 19
106 pts.
Districts 1st out of 8
153 pts.
State Meet 2nd place
The Girls' Track Team contin- shot put, discus 3200 relay, 1 00 hurdles,
Mustangs ued its consistency. The team finished 1600 run , 3200 run , and 300 hurdles.
Later, the Mustangs rolled into the
first in all meets except State where they
Metro Championship meet with a full
finished second for the third year in a
Repeat row . In the first meet of the year, at head of steam having won all of their
previous meets. The team won the
Burke, the team placed over ten people meet for the second year in a row while
in the top three. Senior Un Hwa Running placing four team members on the All-
as Metro placed first in the shot put setting a meet Academic team.
The team continued its pace right
record, 40' 3 1 /2" . The team finished first
on into the state track meet, after having
as a team with a total of 136 points.
The team finished first in all of its repeated as district champions. Un
Champs regular season meets. These meets Hwa Running was state champion in the
shot put. The team finished second for
included the Millard North Relays, Ram
Relays, Millard South Invite, Fremont the third consecutive year.
Invite, and the Norfolk Invite. Therefore,the team finished yet
-Kyle Marler The team won the Norfolk Invite another season with top finishes in
for the second year in a row , taking first major season meets beginning with
place in seven events. The events were Metro through State.