Page 278 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 278

Boys Track:  front  Scott Schaefer, Nick Smith,
                     Brian  Augustine,  Ben  Grojean,  Aaron  Kerkhoff,
                     Kevin  O'Keefe,  Kenji  Sakota, Jason Winterboer,
                     JasQn  Shibata,  Tony  Arlt,  Chris  Bloom,  David
                     Dryden, Dustin Dryden; second row- Dan  Kratzer,
                     Brian  Tuel, David  McCune, Drew Kelley, Jeremy
                     Harstick,  Derek  Miller,  Jason  Shanahan,-8teve
                     Cacioppo, Ken  Wood, Dave Griffin, Nate Frazier,
                     Matt Topping,  Cory Sinclair;  third row- Tom Lorenz,
                     Paul  Molden, Phillip Norlem, Elliot Bostrom, Mike
                     Foster, Blake Jackson, Mike Just, MarcVergo, Don
                     Ehle, Jeff Antonson, Erick Bush, Doug Youngblood,
                     John Witte ;  fourth row- Adam McCune, Mike Boggs,
                     Ryan  Manger, Mark Anderson, Nick Larma, Dustin
                     Schroeder, Jon Dostal, Casey Lindsey, Joel Larma,
                     Brian  Buell , Todd Hilkemann, Dan  Conway, Pete
                     Van Hoose, Jeff Armituge;  fifth row- Todd Kirkebar,
                     Mike  Henry, Buck  Christensen, Matt  Stigge, Jay
                     Uphoff,  Ryan  Flynn , Jeff Cizek,  Frank  Godinez,
                     Andy  Morrow,  Brian  Schlichting,  Bret  Uptagraft,
                     Brian  Stevens,  Phil  Milone,  Steve  Shin,  Nick
                     Prescott, Adam  Kemp; back- Coach Chip Bahe,
                     Coach  Mike  Quint,Coach  Paul  Barnes,  Coach
                     Mike Auman,Coach Mike Neemann
                     (Jack Martin Photography)
                     Passing the baton for the victory in the 400 relay are  .
                     Sophomore  Ryan  Flynn  and  Senior  Jeff  Cizek.
                     With the help of  Seniors Adam  McCune and  Ben
                     Grojean the team went on to place third in Districts.

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