Page 278 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 278
Boys Track: front Scott Schaefer, Nick Smith,
Brian Augustine, Ben Grojean, Aaron Kerkhoff,
Kevin O'Keefe, Kenji Sakota, Jason Winterboer,
JasQn Shibata, Tony Arlt, Chris Bloom, David
Dryden, Dustin Dryden; second row- Dan Kratzer,
Brian Tuel, David McCune, Drew Kelley, Jeremy
Harstick, Derek Miller, Jason Shanahan,-8teve
Cacioppo, Ken Wood, Dave Griffin, Nate Frazier,
Matt Topping, Cory Sinclair; third row- Tom Lorenz,
Paul Molden, Phillip Norlem, Elliot Bostrom, Mike
Foster, Blake Jackson, Mike Just, MarcVergo, Don
Ehle, Jeff Antonson, Erick Bush, Doug Youngblood,
John Witte ; fourth row- Adam McCune, Mike Boggs,
Ryan Manger, Mark Anderson, Nick Larma, Dustin
Schroeder, Jon Dostal, Casey Lindsey, Joel Larma,
Brian Buell , Todd Hilkemann, Dan Conway, Pete
Van Hoose, Jeff Armituge; fifth row- Todd Kirkebar,
Mike Henry, Buck Christensen, Matt Stigge, Jay
Uphoff, Ryan Flynn , Jeff Cizek, Frank Godinez,
Andy Morrow, Brian Schlichting, Bret Uptagraft,
Brian Stevens, Phil Milone, Steve Shin, Nick
Prescott, Adam Kemp; back- Coach Chip Bahe,
Coach Mike Quint,Coach Paul Barnes, Coach
Mike Auman,Coach Mike Neemann
(Jack Martin Photography)
Passing the baton for the victory in the 400 relay are .
Sophomore Ryan Flynn and Senior Jeff Cizek.
With the help of Seniors Adam McCune and Ben
Grojean the team went on to place third in Districts.