Page 44 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 44

M~ru~ M©lg            Saddam Hussein is  alive  and  well  \ p-lllllliinlllliic'Wilo....ri." ......... _   ......... __ _
                                      and  living  in  Baghdad-- at  least  by          ~ecycling  continued to  have  ar
                M~ru~ M©:g            most accounts.  The  downfall  of  the  01  Impact  on  the  U.S.  Recycling  ha~

                M~ru~ M©lg            55-year-old leader was urged by many  A produced  vast  supplies  of  paper
                                      Americans.  Within  Iraq,  Saddam  glass and other reusable trash , bu·
                M~ru~ M©lg            Hussein  appears to  have grown only              not  enough  demand.  A  busines~

                M~ru~ M©lg            stronger since his troops were forced             alliance for the  National  Recyclin~
                                      outofKuwait. However,helivesunder  Coalition  is  campaigning tc
                M~ru~ M©lg            constant threat  of  death  by  Iraqi             encourage  small  and  largE
                                                                                        businesses to  commit themselve~
                M~ru~ M©lg            opposition leaders and a host of other            to  buy recycled products.
                M~ru~ M©lg                   u  11  u  \.Y\  ~~  u  11  u u u u u  u  ·:.~  u ~"""  \81  u \'/  u L  u u  j   u  Wu  ©\\WI

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                                                                              ........ _.,.,  ~~  Hurricane  Andrew  carved  its  wa
                                                                                         through the Bahamas and hit sout
                                                                       --::::;;;;;..._  ____  :Ill  Florida with a powerhouse intensit

                                                               -a.L.                 JJ  before  moving  into  Lousiana.  Th
                                                                                         hurricane's  54-hour  rampage,  th
                                                                                     00J  most expensive natural disaster evE
                                                                                     , fAl  to hit this country,  left an  estimate
                                                                                     ~u  180 000 homeless in  Florida alone

                                                                                                        Layout by
                                                                                                      Angie Rinker
                                                                                                  Photos Courtesy of
                UI1UUU UU   UI1U\.YI~   UI1UUU UU   U :.1U\.YI~   UI1JUJUU
                 4 0                                                                            R.M.  Photo Service, Inc.
                                                                           M~~~ M.~-----------------
                       Serious Survey
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