Page 42 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 42

~  With sales of
                                                               millions of
                                                             l ~  albums, the
                                                             l ~  hard-driving
                                                                rock band
                                                             l~ Guns N'
                                                                Roses was a
                                                             l ~  heavy-metal
                                                             l ~  phenomenon
                                                                but the group
                                                             l ~ had a
                                                              ~  tendency to
                                                              0   get a little
                                                             l ~  rowdy during
                                                             l  ~  its concerts.
                                                              " At one such
                                                             l ~  event in  St.
                                                             l ~  Louis, 40
                                                             J ~  goers and 25
                                                              0  police
                                                             H officers were
                                                              " injured
                                                             l ~  because of
                                                              ~  lead singer
                                                                Axl  Rose who
                                                          .  I~  provoked the
                                                              o  malee.
                                                       " -" ""  H..._........,.....,....  __ ___.

                                                                                     M1  The next Elvis?  That's what
                                                                                     ~r:~ some people are calling Billy
                                                                                     ~l Ray Cyrus.  His album, Some
                                                                                     ~ Gave  All, is a blend of
                                                                                        country, blues and rock 'n'
                                                                                     'JJ  roll.  One song is  a poignant
                                                                                     , li ballad that salutes Vietnam
                                                                                     Ml  veterans.

                                                                                                       Layout by
                                                                                                      Kevin Ridley
                                                                                     II~      Photos Courtesy of A.M.
                UI1UUU UU   U\111\.S!,~   UI1UUUJU     U\VUUU LU           ui1ULU UIJ
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