Page 39 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 39
Arm wrestling was one way to workout and it was also
a way to show off personal strength. Seniors Nick
Briganti and Jason Brown use the 9-1 0 brick area to
get more of an audience. (Jon Waller)
Many students enjoyed working out at area athletic
clubs. Sophomore Lisa Lewis stretches out before
beginning her aerobic workout. (Heather Gambrel)
Shape Options Unlimited
While some people chose to sit cise with their love for the outdoors by
around the house, eat potato skins, and jogging and/or riding bikes. "I've been
watch "Saved by the Bell", others decided riding my bike for a long time, it helped me
to get fit. to run faster," Senior Craig Vanis said.
One choice was going to the gym There were many places in the
and doing different lifts and exercises. A area, other than the school, where one
couple of new aerobic activities that were could go to get fit, such as Gold's Gym,
done quite often were the stairmaster and Omaha Athletic Club, Prairie Life , or Better
the aerobic step. For those who preferred Bodies in the Millard area. Senior Bob
to lift weights, there was a plethora of Nau- Correa worked out at Prairie Life. "The
tilus equipment and universal free weights. facilities offered many opportunities to bet-
"I lifted weights to tone my muscle, ter my athletic performance," he said .
and did aerobics in order to burn fat ," Senior If all else failed, and you couldn't
Beth Baddte said. afford the cost of gym membership, you
-Kyle Marler Others chose to couple their exer- could always do such things as jog or hike .