Page 41 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 41

Freshman  Mark Tramontozzi helps set up the driving
  course  bright  and  early in  the  morning so  it would be
  ready  by  first  hour.  About fifty parking spaces were
  taken  for  the  simulator. (Jim Morgan)
  Senior Joseph  Russell is interviewed by reporter Mary
  Williams  from  channel  3  after  driving the  simulator   A student drunk driver knocks down a few cones an d
  course .  Standing  in  the  background waiting for their   learns a very important lesson, which is demonstrated
  turns  are  Seniors James Lyda and Chris Hasselman.   by  the  sign standing at  the  entrance of the course -
  (Jim  Morgan)                         don't dri nk and drive.  (Erin  Doll)

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                                     Learn Valuable Lesson

                                                Not often does a student hear that   on  the  brakes, made sharp corners at  25
                                         he or she has permission to drive drunk, but   miles per hour,  and dragged cones across
                                         students were actually  encouraged  to drive   the course.
                                         drunk, sort of.                               Junior  Erin Doll,  who helped set up
                                                Mothers Against Drunk Driving and   and  run  the course, said , "Some kids did  it
                                         Dodge  Daytona sponsored the  driving   just for fun  and  really didn't learn anything,
                                         cou rse  in which students could experience   but others did it  so they could learn what it
                                         what  it  was  really  like  to  drive  drunk by   is  really like to drive drunk."
                                         driving a car altered to simulate such condi-  Senior Andy Nathan said , "I think
                                         tions. Millard North was the first metro area   it was a very effective learning tool because
                                         high school to be visited by the drunk driving   it  showed what it's like to  be  in  a car with a
                                         simulator.                             drunk driver.  I don't ever want to feel  that
           Cortney Christensen                  Students drove a Dodge Daytona   out of control again."
                                         twice around a course set up in  the parking   Some used the simulator for other
                                         lot, on ce "sober",  and  once "drunk".  Each   purposes, however. Junior  Mike Sandoval
                                         driver was allowed one passenger, who sat   said, "I got to drive a neat car and it  got me
                                         in  the back seat.  A staff member entered   out of class!"
                                         the  driver's weight into a computer, wh ich   No  matter what the  reason  was, it
                                         altered the brakes, steering , and accelera-  gave students a chance to drive wrecklessly
                                         tion .                                 and  be  a terrible driver for a good reason,
                                                Squealing tires could be  heard all   while learning a potentially life saving les-
                                         day in  the parking lot,  as drivers slammed   son .
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