Page 81 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 81

Excuses Not Hard to Fin.d

                                  -    Kyle Marler

        Excuses, excuses, ex-  the car parked down the street,  out  of  town.   Senior Chad
  c uses .  Excuses  are  like  arm-  his reply was that he  had never  Boomgarden was one of these
  pits, everybody had two and they  seen the car before  in his life, but  students.  When his parents ar-
  all  stunk .                 his story soon changed. "I looked   rived home, he  had some ques-
        Excuses could be  used  out  the  window and  saw  my  tions to  answer.  When asked
  in many  different forms.  They  brother's car rolling  down  the   why he  had let the other kids in
   could  be  the truth or they could   street.  I went and got my friend  the house, he said,"They had to
   beli es.  It did  not matter which as   here, and we just now found it. "   use the bathroom, they had  to
   long  as  they  got  you  out  of  Needless to say the nice officer  use the phone."
   trouble .                   did not accept this story as fact.   When you  looked  into
        Senior Dan Gudenrath  Gudenrath and his friend had a  the eyes of an authority figure or
   was  once  caught sneaking out  police officer escort them home  even a friend, whether you had
   with  his  brother's car before he   in  a squad car.     lied  or had  told  the  truth,  ex-
   h ad recei ved his driver's license.   Many students threw  cuses were abundant and could
   When asked  by the officer about  parties  while their parents were  be found just about anywhere.
                                                                                           Becker, Kelly
                                                                                           Beffa, Michelle
                                                                                           Beglin, Sybil
                                                                                           Bellavia, Regina
                                                                                           Bender, Dawn
                                                                                           Benning, Lisa

                                                                                           Bentzinger, Brian
                                                                                           Bernardy, Kevin
                                                                                           Billings, Dennis
                                                                                           Biniamow, Cari
                                                                                           Bishoff, Carrie
                                                                                           Bitsos, Tara

                                                                                           Bode, Shannon
                                                                                           Bolton, Greg
                                                                                           Booth, Wendy
                                                                                           Boumstein, Lisa
                                                                                           Bredenkamp, Angela
                                                                                           Brehmer, Jodi

                                                                                           Brewer,  Ann
                                                                                           Briganti, Donald
                                                                                           Britson, Todd
                                                                                           Brown, Courtney
                                                                                           Brown, Darrin
                                                                                           Brown, Mollie

                                                                                           Brown, Scott
                                                                                           Bruggeman, Brian
                                                                                           Bull,  Bryant
                                                                                           Bunjer, Bob
                                                                                           Bunjer, Kevin
                                                                                           Burke, Meredith
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