Page 105 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 105

Bailey, Sarah
                                                                                                       Baker, Stephen
                                                                                                       Balcetis, Emily
                                                                                                       Balluff, Amanda
                                                                                                       Barajas, Sara
                                                                                                       Barnes, Eva Lisanne
                                                                                                       Bauer, Abbey

                                                                                                       Beatty, Michael
                                                                                                       Beck, Lori
                                                                                                       Becker,  Sally
                                                                                                       Behrns, Kell y
                                                                                                       Beiriger, Matthew
                                                                                                       Belcher, Matthew
                                                                                                       Bell, Andrew

                                                                                                        Belton, Kevin
                                                                                                       Bend, J?oug
                                                                                                        Berge, Ryan
                                                                                                        Beukenhorst, Laura
                                                                                                       Bevill, Shannon
                                                                                                        Bigelow, T.J.
                                                                                                        Binderup,  Adam

                                                                                                       Blue, Aspen
                                                                                                       Boettner,  Michael
                                                                                                       Bottazzi,  Courtney
                                                                                                       Boyd, Todd
                                                                                                       Brady, Katherine
                                                                                                       Brewer,  Andrew
                                                                                                       Briley, April

                                Pets Create Special Bond

                               W                      R~'Wei.n

                                        hen a student came home
                                                              Bentley said .
                                and a pet was waiting at th e door to
                                                                      "I  like  to  watch  my  dog
                                greet them, he or she may have felt   when it fights and chases the squirrel
                                that there  was  a  special  bond be-  in  the back yard," said senior Stacey
                                tween them.                   Ernst.
                                       Pets also provided comfort     Pets  also  helped  students
                                in  some peopl es  li ves.  "Pets give   all eviate boredom.  "When I didn't
                                peopl e comfort when they are lonely   have anything to do, I liked to watch
                                and  make people  feel  good  about   my  fi sh  swim  in  their  aquarium,"
                                themselves," said sophomore Diane  freshman Melissa Zurek said.
                                Grady.                                Ernst said  she  liked  pets
                                       "Pets bring people joy and   because they were easy to  take care
                                teach responsiblity," said  freshman   of.  "I  like  pets  best  because  they
                                Ty Stephson.  "I remember the first   don' t talk.  They are just there, and
                                time I brought my dog home. It  was   they  don't  give you  trouble," said
                                the first time I had to take care  of it."   Ern st.
                                       Having  a  pet  may  have      Most  of all, some students
                                also  brought a  form  of entertain-  fo und it unbearabl e without a pet in
                                ment.  "On  the  Fourth of July my   the house.  "I have had pets around
                                famil y and  I go on picnics, and  we   si nce the day I was born , so it's hard
                                take my  dog along, and  we  let  it   to  imagin e  life without them,"
                                swim  in  the  lake,"  senior Allison  Bentley said.  0
   Holding  her  pet  chinchilla,  Duffy,  is
   sophomore  Mi chelle  Lee.  Lee  got  Duffy
   when  her  father  didn't want  a  pet.  Since he
   didn 't know  what  a chin chilla was,  he said she
   could  get  one.  (S heryl Lee)
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