Page 106 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 106

Broermann , Ryan
                  Brookstein , Joel
                 Brookstein , Marci
                Brown, Chri stopher
                    Brown, Jason
                     Brown, Jody
                   Brown, Stacey

                Browning, Christi an
                 Bruggeman, Adam
                   Bryl, Manhew
                   Buckl ey, Bryan
                   Buhrman, Chad
                 Burdick, Rebecca
                     Burger, Eri c

               Burnham,  Kri stopher
                 Burton, Katherine
                     Byrn e,  Ryan
                Cacioppo, Christina
                     Cade, Frank
                    Cahow, James
                 Campbell , Andrew

                   Campbell , Erin
                 Campbell , l enni fer
                    Carey, Linda
                   Carpenter, Amy
                    Carroll , David
                      Case, Joel
                  Cashero, Heather

                                          Seni or Carey Chris ti ansen demonstrates that
                                          renting movies  can be fun , too.  Movie stores
                                          had  special deals  whi ch  allowed  people  to
                                          rent  several movies for a few doll ars.
                                          Examining  a  poster  fo r  Batm an  is  seni or
                                          Kati e  Kerri gan.  This  movie  came  out  in
                                          November of  1989.
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