Page 101 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 101

Senior Mike Hansen dons aviator glasses, a
                                                                                             "cool" product in  the 70's  for  Friday Night
                                                                                             Fever.  The hair is  not  Hansen's either, but
                                                                                             imitated the  "afro" style of the  70's.
                                                                                             (Ted Graham)
                                                                                             In a flowing wi g and a knitted hat, senior Jason
                                                                                             Shibata exhibits a "free spirit" for the Friday
                                                                                             Night Fever dance.  Shibata was one  of many
                                                                                             seniors who wore vintage costumes for  the
                                                                                             dance.  (Ted Graham) ยท
                                                                                             Junior Heather Kline, seniors Olivia Brown,
                                                                                             Amy  Wozny,  and  Michelle Kurs  strike  a
                                                                                             Charlie's Angels pose before the 80's dance.

   Dances  Recall Days, Nights of Past

   E,.hb"k  to  th<  h;ppy,  free   toms, punk rocker stripped hair, and  for them the cost of the dance was
   love,  make  love not war, decade of   big, big hair, and generally wearing  higher, instead of $3 it was $2, and
   the  sixties, the  disco,  Kristi   clothes in  which they  would not   they did not have the experience  of
   Rasgorshek's  birth  (November 13,   normally be caught dead.  "It was   coming to  school in  clothes their
   1976) , oil  embargo,  Brady  Bunch,   really groovy-awesome to  see the  parents may have worn.
   groovy  clothes,  Charlie's  Angels,   people from school that don' t wear   M-Club was the sponsor for
   Gloria  Vanderbilts  breakthrough  seventies types  of clothes finally   the  majority of the  theme dances.
   with  brand  name  jeans,  platform   wearing some "neato" clothes.  It  "We had a great turn out for the 70'
   shoes  decade  of the  seventies, and   was  definitely worth going to  a   dance considering it  was a  winter
   the  big  hair,  Boy  George,  electric   school dance for,  but I don't think  dance.  It  was a  success.  I  think
   blue  eye  liner,  the original Michael   that they  played enough seventies  everybody that  came had  a  good
   Jackson,  Dukes of Hazard decade of   music," senior Olivia Brown said.   time," senior M-Club president Tom
   the eighties  were all themes of school   "It was really funny to see everyone  Brady said.
   sponsored  dances.           in  vintage clothing, but it was kind   If  the tradition continues in
         Costumes were  not  re-  ofwierd. No one was wearing Tim-  about 20  years,  M-club and other
   quired  for  these  dances,  but  cos-  berland boots," senior Michele Kurs  clubs will  be holding nineties in-
   tumes  did  add  a strange look to the   said.              spired theme dances, perhaps called
   dances.   Many  students could be    Some students did choose  John Travolta Lives Again, a rebirth
   seen  walking  around  in  bell  bot-  not to dress in  vintage clothing, but   of Friday Night Fever. 0
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