Page 107 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 107
Cavalieri, Kell y
Cavanaugh, Christopher
Chalupnik, Jill
Chesnut, Nicolas
Christensen, Alicia
Christensen, Erik
Clark, Kylie
Coan, Sarah
Coan, Trisha
Cody, Stefani
Coe, Brian
Cole, Bradley
Collins, Andrea
Carnine, Lawrence
Conley, Stefanie
Connor, Ryan
Conway, William
Cooney, Melissa
Cotten, Tyler
Coughlin, Patrick
Counley, Alissa
Covolo, Anne
_Craigo, Molly
Cran ny, Christin a
Crawford, Jennifer
Crouch, Eric
Culek, Matthew
Curtis, Ri chard
Films Offer Recreation, Diversions
lyl"g popoom, sticky because it's a love story and Speed I went to a movie and I hated it, I
floors, engulfing darkness, and not only because it's a good movie, started throwing stuff at people,"
groups of teen s everywhere. It must but also because Keanu Reeves is senior David Wilson said.
have been a night at the movies, and beautiful," junior Erin Huffman "When I went to a movie
there were man y reasons why people said. and I hated it, I threw popcorn at the
chose to go. "I liked techno thrillers with people in front of me, and I was
"I went to movies to get high body counts like Under Siege noisy. If it was really boring, I fell
away from work," junior Chris and The Hunt for Red October be- asleep," Danielson said. Leaving the
Ferrero said. "Movies were a good cause I liked fast-moving action movie was another option. "When I
place to go to see your friends during films. I hated fruit-loopy love sto- went to a movie and I hated it, I left,"
the winter when it was too cold to go ries like Ghost because they were freshman B. J. Gehrki said.
anywhere else," junior Jeannette boring and wussy-ish," senior Mike Others said they were glad.
Moloney sai d. Penney said. "We have so many movie theaters in
Students had very definite "I liked horror movies like Omaha. Movies were a great way to
opinions about film s. "Thrillers like Silence of the Lambs because I liked unwind after a long week and a good
Speed and Sleeping With the Enemy to be scared, and comedies because place to get together with friends,"
were fun, because during the whole I liked to see people act more stupid sophomore Stacie Sizer said.
movie you were trying to figure out than I do. I also liked love stories However, when rides and
what would happen and at the end like Far and Away and Ghost. I money weren't available, renting a
your guess was usually wrong, but really hated educational movies be- movie or watching one on television
that was okay . I hated movies that cause they bored me to sleep," sopho- was also an option. "If I do watch
claimed to be funny when they more Michaelyn Samson said. movies, I usually rent them because
were n't like Death Becomes Her When students liked mov- it's much more convenient. You can
because they were a waste of time," ies, they stayed to the end. But what watch them when you want to, and it
sophomore Sonya Danielson said. happened when students hated the costs less," junior Sam McKewon
"I love The Princess Bride movies they'd gone to see? "When said. 0