Page 38 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 38
HoUJ do I get there?
It was easy for students and For others, like teachers,
staff to make plans to go places, but car was a necessity. "If I didn
getting there was another story. have a car, I'd have to live closer t
Since he was a freshman,
ransportation Jared Friesen's brother drove him my work and my parents. I'd ha\
to be better planned and organize
to school. Although Gabe Adler in my life, and I couldn't take m
was a senior with car privileges, he trips," social studies teacher Terr
still had to share it with his sister. Eicher said.
However, having a car Wishful thinking w<:
wasn'tneccesarily all it was cracked common for sophomores and frest
up to be. Junior Kelly Alsup had man longing to drive. "If I had
her own car, but had to worry about car, I would be able to drive myse
other drivers being careless. Car to school. If I had open campus,
expense was also a factor. "If I could go out to eat during lunch<
didn't have a car, I'd probably save take a seventh hour study hall an
a lot of money because I wouldn't leave early," Friesen said. "Ifl ha
have to pay for insurance and gas." a car, I'd get a job because I wouldn
Adler said. have to rely on other people to dri v
Of course, cars weren't the me there," sophomore Gra11
!"•Pi•l y,,, Op;,;,, only form of transportation. "If I Lovelace said.
couldn't get a ride to somewhere
Whatever means of tran~
w,.,., , ••• , ., ••• ftJ ftJbitJic-tJ, fHnilll? close to my house, I'd walk," said portation people used, "It didn
~You •,.e neve/' too old lol'l/'ee ctlndg. ~ sophomore Andy Nickel. Bicycles, matter how you got to where yo
-Sophomol'e ~,. StJ,IItJH•I rollerblades, and skateboards were needed to be as long as you g<
also used as means oftrasnportation. there,"senior Kari Larson said.~
dllike to gctl/'e people. d
-Se11i01' Mile• '""
~Mg ptll'enn mtlde me tt1ke mg lillie gigte/' tll'ound. d
-Sophomol'e 1•••1 ll1g
dl'm going to dont1te till olthe Ctlndg to the lood ht1nk . d
-fl'eghmtln M•l•• At/11111
Wo one eve/' put tin tlge limit on tl'ick-ol' t/'etlting. Whg
ct1n't I go?d
-Senio,. Bn•• IJ/111
Senior John Bode enjoys the privilege of
driving hi s friends Mall Jetter and Brooks
Dameier to the Prep-Millard North game.
(Ted Graham)
Biking to hi s house on a warm day is senior
Mike Dodd. Bicycles provided not only
exercise but also a quick means of
transportation. (Kent Barnes)