Page 39 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 39

Hangin g out  after school at Joe Fitzpatrick's
                                                                                        car  are  seni ors  Fitzpatri ck  and  Ri chi e
                                                                                        McWilliams. (Jeff Slobotski)
                                                                                         Roller-blading  during  hi s  open  peri od  on
                                                                                         the  last  warm day of fall  is seni or  Dustin
                                                                                         Schroeder.  (Kent Barnes)

                                                           After school , cars clog the three entrances to
                                                           the  parking lots  for  15 -20  minutes.  Seni or
                                                          Matt Vanderholm prepares toenterthe traffic
                                                          jam. (Ted Graham)
              --                                           Roll er-bl ades prov ide exercise  as well  as a   1~
                                                           fun  means of transportati on on  warm days
                                                           for seni or Matt  Lindhjem (Ted Graham)
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