Page 36 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 36
Anything Goes!
In olden days a glimpse of joyed what the story line had t;
stocking was looked on as some- offer. "The story was great. It let
thing shocking, now heaven knows, lot of people show ofF thei
anything goes! talents,"said senior MichelleBer
Although most people know (Mrs. Wadsworth T. Harcourt).
Musical this song from the movie Indiana Jeff McLaughlin (B iII :
Jones and the Temple of Doom Crocker) also thought highly of th
some did not know that it was the two casts, "the casts were great. I
fall musical put on October 27-30. was a hard show, but everybod:
The story is about love, lies, pulled it all together as a team.
and music. The story takes place on Kevin Bensley also agreed with th
a cruise ship. Billy Crocker sneaks degree of difficulty that it took t;
on the boat posing as public enemy complete the show. "This was on
#I with the help of public enemy of the toughest shows that I hav·
#13, Moonface Martin. His goal is been in. Even through stress fille;
to win over the lovely Hope rehearsals and the occasional ner
Harcourt. The story is full of whitty, vous breakdown, we were able t;
!,.,;,, y,,, o,;,;,, subtle humor. In the end, every- pull it all together in time for a grea
thing comes together for everybody. performance. Because of the cast'
talent, we pulled it off." 0
The cast members also en-
Wjo/1 fO•I l•rollfe •mi/.IJfHII 1
"Dutfin Hollman. "--Ftethman Je,.iann Beatleg
"Marlin law,.ence. "--Sophomo,.e Mike Nelhiff
"Bill Mu,.,.ag . "--F,.ethman Michael Ogaz
"Jim Ca,.eg. "--F,.ethman David Slack.
"Tom Hankl . "--$enio,. Rgan Flgnn
"Cheech and Chong . "--F~Bthman Nick. BandemB~
Wevin CotfnBI. "--Junio,.[,.in Ollicef
"J<eanu Reeve~. "--F~Bthman Sa,.ah JeffBI
--Sophomo~B Sa,.a Miley
"Tommg lee Jone~. "- -Senio,. Shawn Evant
--Senio,. Molly c,.ag
"Wal<l<o WamB~. •--Senio,. Blake Youngman
"Sha,.on Sfone . "--Senio,. Sfeve Whifing
"1/a,.veg I< eifel/. •--Senio,. Mike /ve11
Moonface(Joey Lampert) talks Bonnie(Rosalyn Connell ) lets the passenge1
with the Purser(Jeff Shannon) know what they're suppose to be doing durin
on the ship's deck.(Leah Naple) "Let's Step Out."(Leah Naple)
Reno(Trisha Helligso) gets a Hope(April Bauhard) meets her disguise
hand from Billy(Kevin Bensley) love interest, Billy(Kevin Bensley).
and Moonface(Andy Faltin). (Leah Naple)
(Leah Naple)