Page 34 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 34

Work Produces Cash

                                                                              Breezing  through school,   eree at  YMCA fo r eight  years.  It
                                                                       dashing  to  work,  struggling  with   doesn't reall y affect my homework
                                                                       homework, and  dropping into bed,   because I work on weekends duri ng
                                                                       were part of a hectic dail y schedule   the school year," he said .
                                                                       for some students, but usual ly it was   Even th ough students  had
                                       n the Job                       work th at was  most stressful.   probl ems  balancing  work  and
                                                                              "I  work  at  Office  Depot
                                                                                                     school, cash was th e main in centive
                                                                       about 30 hours a week.  It's hard  to   for empl oyment.  "I mow lawns fot
                                                                       keep  my  grades up  at school, and   extra  spending  money," freshman
                                                                       have time  for  my  friends," seni or  Jeremy Vanoort  said .
                                                                       Elizabeth Hennen said .              Besides  earning  money
                                                                              Other students didn't have  students  gain ed  responsibility  anc
                                                                       trouble  with  school  because  they   commitment  in  th eir jobs  as  well
                                                                       worked  for  short  peri ods  of  time.   "From  working  at Twice as  Nice
                                                                       ''I've worked atBakerson the week-  I've  learned  to  spend  my  mone)
                                                                       ends since May.  I haven't had prob-  wisely," seni or Renee O'DohertJ
                                                                       lems at school becau se I onl y work   said .
                                                                       fo ur hour shi fts," junior Julie Zelfel   employment, experi ence, cash, anc
                                                                                                            Whatever  the  motive  fot
                         s,.,;,, y,,, o,;,;,,                          agreed, "I've been  a  baseball  ref-  sons students stu ck with it.  C)
                                                                              Seni or  Aaron Adams  responsibility  were  the  main  rea·

                      lw•llf to 6•···
                                          --fl'e$/,man  Ell• V•n
                     d ••• a feacnel'.  d
                                          --Sopnomol'e S.n  Atll•t
                     d •••  an 8$fl'onauf.  d
                     d ••• nappy.  d      --Juniol'  PMiitJI  F1,.1/
                     d •••  an enginee/' 0/'  macninilf.  d
                                          --Seniol' Totltl Mlll•t
                     d • ••  a pl'ole11ional gollel'.  d
                                          --F,.etnman  J•, N••""•

                     d • ••  a FB/agenf.  d   --Sopnomol'e A661 a. •• ,
                     d •••  an afnlefic fl'llinel'.  d

                     d •••  a l'adiafion fne,.api$f.  d
                                          --Seniol'  R•ll••  S•lflt
                     d • • • an al'cnifecf.  d   --Sopnomol'e A•H•  St1166•
                                          --fl'e$/,man  Nnlt••  Slcl•••'
                     d •••  cool.  d

                                                                                                     The  firs t  day at  Pizza  Hut  is  exciting  fc
                                                                                                     seni or Ann  Peterson.  (Mary  Peterson
                                                                                                     Seni or Jason Hunter enjoys being  manage
                                                                                                     at Subway as  he sell s a sandwich to senic
                                                                                                     Matt Jener.  (Ted Graham)
                                                                                                     Getti ng  ready for  her job at  HyVee as
                                                                                                     cashier takes time fo r senior Ke ll y Wilsm
                                                                                                     (Lisa Lewis)
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