Page 70 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 70
Michalik, Amanda
Miller, Adrianna
Miller, Lesley
Miller, Melissa
Miller, Todd
Mills, Greg
Mittelman, Alexander
Moeller, Rachel
Mohr, Adam
Mollner, Kri stin
Molstad, Todd
Molstad, Troy
Monderine, Leslie
Moore, Paul
. Moran, Julie
Moravec, Jared
Moredick, Heather
Moresette, Jaimie
Morgan, Shannon
Moser, Eli zabeth
Senior Dale Barr signs in for Alumni Day.
Some student s went to see old friends that
returned from college. (Michelle Bert)
Seniors Stephani e Torrens, Tom Brady, and
Kent Barnes talk about student s that will be
speaking at Al umni Day. Sometimes old
fri ends provided useful information on
coll ege. (Michelle Bert)