Page 71 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 71
Muckerheide, Mark
Mudd, Leslie
Mueller, Nicole
Mull, Jon
Mullikin, Steven
Mummey, Brian
Newhouse, Joseph
Niederhaus, Jennifer
Nielsen, Mary
Niessen, Amy
Nietfeldt, Rodney
Nord, Brad
Northrop, Seth
Novak, Angela
Nyffeler, Reed
O'Gara, Jaime
Oates, Jessica
Obrien, Amanda
Odoherty, Renee
Ogaz, Sabrina
Upper Class01en Talk With Alu01ni
A l"mn; day w" not only a questions began. Some students information. They gave me some
chance for students to hear about didn't think much of what the alumni idea of other options," junior Amy
what college life might hold in store had to say. "I thought that some of Wisecarver said.
for them, it was also a time for past the questions were good, but the an- While some students were just
graduates to come back and reflect swers were not very informative. I looking forward to information for
on what their high school life was thought that all that it turned out to be college, others were happy to be out
like. was a bunch of graduates whining of class for a period and happy to talk
A class period was set aside about what they thought was wrong with old friends that had graduated.
for a number of graduates to come withcollege,"seniorDavidMcCune "The best was getting out of class to
back and answer questions that se- said. "I think that I would have liked go and see old friends that had gradu-
niors had about college life. The it more if they would have gone ated last year," McCune said.
format of the day was set up into an more in depth about their studies in Whether students were there to have
open forum that allowed the stu- college," junior Tyler Smith said. fun, or try to learn something, most
dents to get to know the graduates Others thought that it was well were satisfied with what they got out
In order to attend alumni day, students had to
wait in line to sign in. Moving up to the fro nt and ask them any questions that they worth the time that the graduates and of alumni day. O
of the line by the auditorium is Senior Katie might have had. After the former organizers put into it. "I thought that
Johannes. (Michelle Bert) students introduced themselves, the the graduates provided me some great