Page 73 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 73

Pitt, Jason
                                                                                                   Plevni ak, Jacquelyn
                                                                                                   Pond, Jamie
                                                                                                   Poppleton,  Heather
                                                                                                   Prine, Kari

                                                                                                   Rasgorshek, Kristine
                                                                                                   Rathbun, Asten
                                                                                                   Ray, Tara
                                                                                                   Reed, Chad
                                                                                                   Revell , Cynthia

                                                                                                   Reynolds,  Stacy
                                                                                                   Rhoda,  Aaron
                                                                                                   Ri ce, Justin
                                                                                                   Ri chardson, Sara
                                                                                                   Ri gby, Shauna

                                                                                                   Riley, Austin
                                                                                                   Riley, Erin
                                                                                                   Ritonya, Jacob
                                                                                                   Roads,  Christina
                                                                                                   Roberts,  Justin

                                Sports Beyond School Draw Many

                                s   todoot.  'omet;me'  d;do 't  go   elected to  the All  Star Team.  Even   play the sport.  For those students,
                                out for  sports  because  the  school   with the talent on the team, the Gladi-  intramurals was offered. Intramural
                                didn'tofferwhat the students wanted.   ators finished with  a  disappointing  basketball was the most popular  of
                                    In  the  case of students like  record nine wins and fifteen losses.   all  the  sports  totaling thirtyeight
                               juniors Cory Nelson and Mark Rice,   Even  with  their record,  the   teams.  With two divisions, varsity
                                and seniors Eric Johnson and Cory  Gladiators  want to  enter state  and  JV,  to  handle the  number of
                                Caniglia, Gladiator Hockey was their  competion with a clean slate.  "Last  teams  the  intramurals  saw  one of
                                calling. The Gladiators competed in   year we  entered the  tournament  their largest fields ever.  In  the var-
                                the Iowa State High School Hockey  ranked sixth,  and  we  came out as   sity  division, E.M.F.A. finished the
                                League from  Novemeber through  state runner ups.  This year we  are   regular season undefeated as  Mus-
                                February.  Through the season  the   hoping to  have the same Cinderella  tang  Defense  finished the  season
                                Gladiators  had  no  time for  rest as   state tournament as last year," junior  ri ght  behind with  only one  loss.
                                they  practiced Monday through  Cory Nelson said.  "It was kind of a   Aaron  Steele of Mustang Defense
                                Thursday and  then  had  games on   rollercoaster season; we are hoping  won the scoring title, while in the JV
                                Fridays and Saturdays. Practice paid  that we  can  pull  it  together at the  division Adam Kutter captured the
   Junior  All  Star  Cory  Ne lson  takes  a  shot   off as  two MN Gladiators made the   end," Nelson said.   scoring title. 0
   against  the goalie of the Des Moines Capitals.   All  Star  Game.  Junior Cory Nelson   Some  students didn't try  out
                                and Senior Cory Caniglia both were  for  varsity teams but still  loved to
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