Page 75 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 75
Schlueter, Kenneth
Schneider, Daniel
Schneider, Trisha
Schneiderwind, John
Schreiner, Philip
Schroeder, Dustin
Schuchmann, Chad
Schulte, Gregory
Schultz, Gretchen
Schuster, Jamie
Scott, Jordan
Seiberling, Cary
Severson, Mark
Shafer, Jami e
Shald, Sarah
Shannon, Katherine
Shannon, Mark
Sherman, Todd
Shibata, Jason
Shindelman, Alexander
Hunt for Great Bargains Continues
w exist. CD and tape resale shops such
ild prints, polyester mom always buys my sister and I
double knit, red patent leather go-go
boots, as well as normal everyday clothes when it is on sale; she never as CD Warehouse sold music for
buys anything full price," freshmen discount prices. Many students went
clothes at low, low prices, were all Dana Johannsen. These sales were to these stores to buy their music
avai lable at local thrift stores. "Why only for a limited time while thrift because it was cheaper, and they
spend big bucks on stupid clothes stores offered low prices year round could buy more for less. Best Buy
when you can get sassy clothes dirt with special 25 cent sales almost was also a cheaper alternative to Sam
cheap at thrift stores," senior Amy every week. "Sometimes they have Goody, Pickles or MusicLand, sell-
Wozny said . Of course this was two for one sales. The only thing I ing tapes and CDs for less. "I like
bargain shopping but other forms of wouldn't advise buying at a thrift buying CO's there because you get
bargain shopping did exist. store would be swimsuits and un- the same music there, but for half the
Stores such as the GAP derwear," Wozny said. Those stu- price. Same music, half the price,
marked down end of the season left- dents who bargain shopped tended why would you pay full price?"
overs to practically giveaway prices. to bargain shop at thrift stores such sophomore Michelle Lee said.
Department stores such as Younkers as the Goodwill, the Salvation Army, Whether bargain shopping
and DiUard s also had before, after, and other resale shops located in the was a necessity for your lean wallet
and during Christmas sales, inven- metro area. or just the way you shopped, it was a
tory sales, and a sale for just about Other forms of bargain shop- cost friendly alternative to shopping
every holiday on th e calendar. "My ping besides clothing bargains did at full price stores. 0