Page 105 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 105

Juniors Anna Bahney and Matt  Trying  to tune into a radio station are
                                                             Solbergrelaxandenjoytheirfreetime Seniors  Laminda Bush  and Brian
                                                             while listening to the radio.   Laughlin.  (Christina Hooper)
                                                              (Christina Hooper)

          Radios  Bring  Companionship

                                               • Marci Levine and  Jill  Hoover •

           Music,  news,  and  every morning, but now that     dio was before they went to   and 10%  listened to KZNO.
     numerous  commercials they have recently changed          sleep.  Junior Oebbi Eades        However ,there were
     were  some of the common  their Disk Jockeys, I refuse to   said,  "All the mellow music   some who hated the ra-
     things  heard on the radio,  play them anymore!" said     Lite 96 played can put even   dio.  Many disliked the ra-
     but  overall  the radio was  Junior Natasha Major.  Oth-  the most  wired person  to    dio and liked  to listen  to
     usefuL  entertaining, and a  ers listened to the radio while   sleep."                  their own tapes because
     pleasure  to listen  to, for most  driving. "Sincenoonecould     There  were many       they had control over what
     people.                    possibly watch the television   channels available to listen   was played.  Junior Chad
           People  liked  to lis-  while driving,  I listened to the   to, KRRK  93.3,   KEZO  92.3,   Brown  was  a  prime ex-
     ten to the radio throughout  radio," Senior Erin  Ferguson.   KQKQ 98.5,  KGOR 99.9, and   ample, "I  favor my tapes
     the  day and in  various  Junior Jason Brown listened     KXKT  103.7 were among the    over the radiobecause I
     places.   Many people lis-  to KGOR.  He had to 'Rock     most popular.  Of the 250     have control over what I
     tened  to the radio in  the  with the Oldies '  to com-   students  surveyed, 25%  lis-  play."
     morning  while they got  pletely  understand his          tened to KRRK,  25%  listened        However, for most,
     ready  for  school.  "I faith- homework.  The  last  time   to KQKQ,  25%  listened to   the radio provided enter-
     fully  listened to   Sweet 98  people listened to their ra-  ~  KXKT , 15% listened to KGOR,   tainment and pleasure.
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