Page 107 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 107

Heinz 57 . Ed  Nadurata . Tim  Vint. Jeff
                                                                                          Woods. Jered  Clark. Mike Alsup. Jason
                                                                                          Brasil. and Chris Wilki ns celebrate their
                                                                                          win  against the Pyuseclits.  (Michelle
                                                                                          Sophomore  Brent Larson  goes in for
                                                                                          an easy lay-up. (Nicole Cumberland)

                   Games Br!!22Jn  Crowds

          Intramural basket- led with  a  3-l  record.  The  started the year with an 0-2  place tie for first  place be-
   ball was loaded with com- team Bo  had an even 2-2  record,  The  Pyuseclits  who  tween the Nots  and the
   petition. E ven some games  record.  Wh ile  the Gringos  were 0-2 without Ben Grojean  J.H.W .  Both  with  4-0  rec-
   had packed crowds.          were unvictorius with an 0-4  (shoulder injury), and The  ords.  The  Ummagummas,
          The team R.P.B.P. (4- record.                      Foggy Dogs with a Bone who  Watchtower  and  the
   0) took the freshman trophy        The  two year rivalry  signed Junior Scott Harrell  a  W.B.W.B all finished with an
   away from  the 3-l  Black- between the Pyuseclits  and  contract to play for their team.  even 2-2  record.
   hawks  midway in  the sea- the Montana State Ministers  T he contract was worth five        According to Small this
   son . The  Hornets were third  of Death was interrupted by  hats from Team Spiri t  and a  year was the roughest and
   with a  2-2  record, and the  first  place B.M.F.  (6-0).  Junior  ten dollar signing bonus. Start- most competive, but at the
   Pistons  couldn't find a way  Jon  Small  sa id, "B.M.F .  may  ing the year off with an 0-4  end it was all fun and games.
   to win with an 0-4 record.   play cheap, but they do win  record was Heinz  57 .  They       *All  the teams records
          The    sophomore games."  There  was a  three  improved to a 2-4  record.        and places were subject to
   teams had the closest race.  way tie for second place all        The  Senior  class  had  change because the sea-
   Tthere was a tie for first place.  with 3-3  records.  These  in- the most  teams including a  son  was not over when the
   N Death and the Linemen  cluded Montana State which  faculty team. There was a first  copy was written*
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