Page 101 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 101
Walt Disney has a lways taken
imagination to the limit . . He has -------------•
created talking mice. singing
mermaids, and a fairy godmother that
can turn pumpkins in to stage
coaches. Disney brought his world of
fantasy to Omaha when it opened a
store in the Westroads mall. Junior
Jolene Wakefield and Senior Jennie
i Alberrysharea momenttogetherwith For Junior Monte Dirks . his ultimate
Mickey Mouse .(Kresta Schaefer). dream w ould be to become a
professional hockey player. Rig ht now
~'1;1' he plays for the Omaha Gladiators
~ "!~~ not!/ and is working hard to achieve his
' l""'l'f""> goal. (Jon Waller)
Sen ior Nici Pearson fantasizes about
meeting the man posin g in the poster
behind her. (Allison Becker).
Imaginations Take Control
• Laminda Bush •
Wouldn't it be great gone too far". Remember, meet her pen pal. and expe- derella be if st}e hadn't
if that knight in shining armor this is fantasy. rience Spanish culture. dreamed of going to the
wou ld suddenly come and That knight in shining Sophomore Paul Covolo ball. Not that any fairy god
sweep you off your feet, armor - make him 6'2". dark has more peaceful fantasies. mother is going to show up
rather then tri pping you off hair, and blue eyes. The car- He wants to buy a cabin by a on your doorstep, but one
them . What if that candy give it all the extra features. big lake somewhere in Mon- good fantasy could lead
apple red Porsch you've That trip, let's forget New York, tana. "I want to spend all my you a long way.
admired in the poster on how does Paris sound? Isn't extra time hiking through the So, next time your life
your wall could come to fantasy fun? With the blink of mountains." has seemed to have taken
form on your driveway. an eye and a slight change in How does world peace a nose dive and reality has
What if you could finally see thought, the world is in the sound? This is a topic really gotten you down,
that wonderous city of New palm of your hands, and real- Sophomore Jamie Coughlin relax, close your eyes, and
York , only not at 30.000 feet ity can be twisted and dis- has contemplated a lot. turn on that imagination.
in an airplane on the way to torted as easily as silly putty. She has come up wlth the Create yourself a fantasy.
your grandmother's house. Sen ior Julie Jensen perfect solution. "I can image Jet to the stars, dig a hole to
Somehow it's always knows what her greatest fan- that if the whole world could China, change that knight
greener on the other side of tasy is. She wants to be her just join together to sing in in shining armor to a blue
the fence, and do you no- owntimemachine. "lwantto chorus to "Henry the Eighth" eyed blond who's going to
tice we always want exactly be able to go anywhere in- we could accomplish world take you to New York , no
what we can't have. Fine stantly without any time barri- peace." Paris, no let's change it
then , if we can't have eve- ers . Think, from Omaha to Where would we be with- again, how about Rome this
ryth ing we want, I know of Virginia Beach at the click of out fantasies and dreams. A time? The options are
someth ing even better. Fan- my fingers." little time and wishful thinking endless and the bounda-
tasize that you can. There's Sophomore Kara can actually turn those fanta- ries are nonexistent. Re-
no limitations , no barriers, Gilbreath's greatest fantasy is ~ies into reality if you're lucky. member, it's all up to your
noth ing to say "Stop, you've to Spain. Once there she could Just think, where would Cin- imagination.