Page 109 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 109
Juniors Jodi Fougeron and Erin
Lunders spend their spare time one
night attempting to eat popcorn
with chopsticks. (Alice Lin)
Many students cure their boredom
by subscribing to magazines.
Reading Bazaar is Sophomore
Dana Zucker. (Allison Becker)
Spare Time Creates Satisfaction
•Alice Lin•
No matter got when I won gave me a ward to in their spare time. Though Junior Erin
what the interest was, sense of satisfaction." Com- Romance created a sense Lunders was full of spirit, she
whether it was sports, music, petition speech was one of of fulfillment to many. admitted that her spare
or even sleeping, the per- thefavoriteinterestsformany Senior Chris Duffek time was not spent with
sonality of a person was de- students. said, "I spent my spare time much excitement. Lunders
termined by knowing what Senior Bill Nervig with girls . What can I say? I admitted that she spent
students did in their spare agreed. Besides speech, he love affection and ro- most of her free time sleep-
time . also spent his fall seasons mance." Relationships with ing.
In or out of school, playing sports. Nervig said, "I friends was a popular inter- "That's what I do
students spent most of their love sports, especially foot- est among many students. best," Lunders said.
spare time participating in ball because of the action A sense of excite- Whatever the rea-
activities which they en- and contact. It brings so ment was fulfilled by many son was to pursue an inter-
joyed. much excitement." students. No matter what est, spare time gave stu-
Senior Amanda Link Several individuals the interest was, spare time dents a chance to discover
soid , "I spent most of my time thoughtthat companionship was spent in bringing spir it to what their best interests
with Forensics . The feelings I was what they looked for- each individual. were.