Page 103 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 103

Heather Tomczak's dog, Star  Mine.
                                                             opens  doors  all  by itself , and likes  to
                                                             swim .(Heather Tomczak)
                                                             Sophmore Joshua  Chronic holds  his
                                                             dog Cody in  the backyard.  Josh  has
                                                             had Cody since he was 9.  (Julie
                                                             Jensen)                       Sophomore Lynn  Welch stops  for  a
                                                                                           rest  after riding  her horse.  Erika ,  at
                                                                                           Quail  Run  Horse  Centre in  Elkhorn.
                                                                                           (Janet Welch)

          Pets  Real Friends  to Students

                                                    • Ashley  Pixton •

           What did  horses,  had, and care and food the  the zoo after she  tore up my  All  I had to do was  feed
     snakes,  dogs, cats, chincil- owner gave a pet.          mom's favorite couch, and  them once a  day.  It  was
     las,  spiders ,  rabbits, ham-    Sophomore  Lynn  my neighbors were complain- great."  Owners of other
     sters , fish,  turtles,  and mice  Welch  said,  "My horse  was  ing of loud, growling noises . I  small  pets like  hamsters,
     all  have in  common? They  big and ate a  lot.  However  hated feeding the cheetah  mice,  and gerbils also  had
    . were  all  pets some students  riding her was so  much fun, I  because she was mean when  less  to do for their pets.
     owned .                    didn't mind the hard work."  she  was hungry."                     No  matter what size
           Pets  came in  all  Other  pets also required a lot       Smaller  pets such  as  the pet was, or how much
     shapes,  colors,  and sizes .  of responsibility.  Sophomore  fish , however, were easier to  food they ate, pets were
     With the range of difference  Ben Thompson  said, "I used to  take care of.  Sophmore real  companions  to their
     in  pets  came a difference  have a  pet cheetah in  my  Jonathan  Wolfe  said, "My fish  owners.
     In  responsibility  the owner  basement.  I had to give it to  were so  easy to take care of.
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