Page 111 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 111
Junior Michael Jeffords. sits 'at home
and sorts out his baseball and hockey
cards. (Jon Waller)
Jenny Bronaugh, sophmore relaxs as
she sits down in front of the T.V. and
watchs M T.V . (Allison Becker)
Sophmore Jennifer Cadmus, reads a
book while she listens to the radio.
(Michelle Cadmus)
Boredom Led To Creativity
•Wendy Malesa•
Students at some 'chic" and finds some- said, "I watch the soaps that interesting to do to keep
Millard North, didn't trash thing for her to do. I taped earlier that day." him busy for awhile.
their homes trying to pro- Everyone has a time Senior Jennifer Senior Mike Pysh
tect their homes from rob- when he/she is to the extreme Dewey said • I will balance said that he goes to his
bers while they were home point of boredom and he/ my checkbook while watch- room and takes a long nap
alone . They just came up she doesn't have the slightest ing T.V. and eating anything for awhile until he can find
with things to do to keep idea of what to do. for ex- that I can find." Junior Bob something fun to do.
themselves occupied while ample Sophomore Jamie Hegwood says "When I get Being home alone
they were bored. Cislersaid, "All that I do is sit bored, I get a bowl of pop- doesn't have to always
Being bored made down and read a good corn, turn on the T.V. and be completely boring,
many students find interest- book." Many students also then call a friend; >>> Sopho- there is always something
ingways to keep themselves claimed that they went to more Ryan Layman claims fun or even interesting to
busy , while they were at their the good ol' trusty T.V. and that he will go out of the front think of that anyone can
homes with nothing to do. either watch one of his/her door and then go to his car do. Just sitting down and
Junior Mike Tesmer said favorite movies, or even turn and drive around until he can thinking will help achieve
when he's alone he calls up on M T.V. Senior Alice Eucker find something fun or even this.