Page 113 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 113

Senior  Brian  Laughlin finds himself in a                Sophomore  Dana Zucker finds it hard to break her bad
    sticky situation .  (Kresfa Schaefer)                     habit of biting her fingernails.  (Allison Becker)

                                                              Junior Kevin  Ridley  listens  eagerly  to Senior  Jennie
                                                              Alberry's gossip.  (Kresfa Schaefer)

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              Everyday Habits Annoying

                                                         • Lori  Safe rite  •

         Everybody  is  guilty of  most aggravating pet peeve  hard time limiting their  bad  people with bad habits that
     them .  Bad  habits and pet  for Senior  Michell  Hales  was  habits and pet peeves to just  they were complaining
     peeves  plague many.       "when people said I failed that  one. Junior Brain  Lucas  said,"  about, or  did you share
            One of the most  test, and they passed, and I  My bad habit was that I was  many of these  same pet
     annoying  pet peeves for  failed it."                    too sarcastic.  I tell  people,' I  peeves?
     Senior  Bryan  McAdams was         For teacher  Terry  Pe- hate you, just kidding.'  "        Whether you could
      •that  some  people were  terson  it  was," having a  stu-     An anonymous fresh-    nottolerate bad drivers, fin-
     continuously  sarcastic ."   dent say, 'that's not fair' about  man said her pet peeve was  gernails running down a
            While  for Freshman  everything.  It  probably was  "when a  guy asks  a  girl  out  blackboard, or people not
      Jana  Groff  it  was,  "when  fair.  and what they actually you're not suppose to turn him  cleaning their bedrooms,
      you're  with a  group of  wanted me to do would be  down or  you're a  brat. but  just remember that almost
      people  who start  to tell  a  unfair."                 when a girl asks  a guy out, it's  everyone has  been guilty
      secret,  and they tell,  '  you   When  given  the  o.k. to turn her down.'"          of having bad habits and
      'you  have to leave'."  Th e  chance, most students had a      Were you one of the  pet peeves sometime.
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