Page 115 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 115

During  a  vacation Juniors  Jenny
                                                             McCarthy,  Beth  Baadte,  and
                                                             Stephanie Haney hang out at
                                                             Oakview Mall.  (Kresta Schaefer)
                                                                                           Seniors  Cherie Bowling,  Becky
                                                             Senior  Michelle Clapper shoots  a   Splittgerber, Ben Olson , Mike Rich hart,
                                                             little pool while she relaxes during a   and Andrea Hylen spend their break
                                                             break from the pressures  of school.   after final  exams at Winter Park
                                                             (Kresta Schaefer)             Colorado.  (Kerri Adair)


   ,1    Much Needed Break Relaxing
  !it-...................................               ·A·n•g•ie ..•k•er.· ................................
           Students  sat  in  their  breakorjustalongweekend, homeworktodo,usaidSopho-skatingandtoparties. lalso
   I last  class  as  they anxiously  everyone was  ready for a  more Heather  Gust.  Other  had time to hang out with
   '  looked  up at the clock. Five  diversion.  Some people chose  people needed time to them- my cousin who goes to col-
     minutes,  four minutes, three to sleep until  noon and stay  selves  and a  break from the  lege," Sophomore Debby
     minutes ... Boom  it was here!  up late, while others just liked  pressures  of school.   Shultz  said.
     Timeforstudentsandteach- togoofaroundandnotthink                Vacations also  gave         Whether  it  was
     ers  to  sit  back and relax for  about school.         students and staff time to do  sleeping in,  going to parties
     awhile .  Vacation had be-        Students  particularly their favorifeactivities . Some  or  hanging out, school
     gun!                       liked vacations.  "I liked breaks  of those activities included  breaks and vacations were
           It  didn't matter if  it  because I had time to see all  shopping, traveling, sleeping,  a  welcomed break for just
     was  winter  break, spring my friends, and I didn't have  or visiting  relatives.  "I  went  about everyone.
   ·! ........................................................ ...
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