Page 123 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 123

                                                                     Bohn. Jennifer
                                                                     Borovac, Carol
                                                                     Botdorf, Nicole
                                                                     Bouc, Leann

                                                                      Braden. Molly
                                                                      Brady, Thomas
                                                                      Bridges , Jeff
                                                                      Briley . Shannon
                                                                      Brinkman. Jami

                                                                                             Not unlike Doogie Howser.  Senior
                                                                                             Scott Moiler hits  the books in  hopes
                                                                                             of acquiring more knowledge and
                                                                                             receiving good grades. (Alex Ghali)

             IS  It Possible  to See Double?

                                                          •Jenny Winkler•

             What? A celebrity??  "A lot of people told me that I  Urkel,  from  the Friday  night  lebrities.  Sen ior Lamlnda
      In  our  school???  Well, lookedlikeDoogie,butltried sitcom,"FamilyMatters". Sev- Bush  was one of these
      maybe ... nahl  If  anyone not to let it  bother me too  eral  people throughout the  students."People have told.
      thought  they saw a  celeb- much."  However, he once  year commented on his  like- me that I look like  Julia Rob-
       rity , it was  more likely just  a  took advantage of the situa- ness  to Urkel,  but it  was  not  erts,  Molly Ringwald, and a
       regular  student who looked tioninwhichyoungergirlswere enough to really bother him.  soap star."  Although she
       like  someone famous.      asking  him if he was Doogie  However, Marshall did be- didn't feel  that she  really
             One such  student Howser.  They  wanted his  au- come irritated when his  sister  lookedlikeanyofthem,Bush
       was  Senior  Scott  Moller.  He  tograph, so  he signed  it for  teased him about it.  "If I had  just took it all in  stride.
       was  frequently told that he  theminsteadoftellinghimthat beenbuggingmyslsterabout            Althoughschoolwas
       looked  like  Doogie Howser,  he was not really Doogie.   something,  she  would start  not the place that celebri-
       from  the television show,        Another student who  saying,  'Urkell   Urkell'  ,  so  I  ties  hung out, it sometimes
       ·ooogie Howser,  M.D."  Al- was sometimes mistaken for a  would finally just  leave her  felt as  if  they decided to
       though  he didn't like to be  celebrity was Sophomore  Ja- alone."                    come to "haunt" the lives of
       reminded  of this,  he didn't son  Marshall .  The  celebrity   Other students had a  certain students.
       getoffended. AsMollersaid,  that he resembled was Steve  resemblance to several  ce-
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