Page 119 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 119
Junior Debbi Eades doodles on her
notebook during her class so that time
will go by fo ster. (Valerie Arms)
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The downtown area always offers a
S enior Kres to Schaefer odds to the vari ety of messages . as the one here
already interesting messages that fi ll that Senior Tro ci Gleason has found.
the bathroom walls. (Valerie Arms) (Valerie Arms)
Graffiti Adds Spice To Life
•Valerie Arms•
Looking around variety of places. messages to certain groups of too.
Omaha , one was likely to From the walls in people. Whether the van-
find a variety of messages. downtown alleys, to the Union Graffiti was not always dais purpose in leaving their
The people sent off a friendly Pacific bridge on Center expressed through spray mark was to release anger,
hello with the smiles they Street, a variety of sayings paint,butratherasimplething or to make a profound
share, and the clean envi- could be seen. Many mes- such as a fingernail could message for the world to
ronmentwas a sign that they sages included favorite music leave a lasting remark. Picnic hear, they successfully
care about this community. groups or songs. Of course, tables or trees often commu- caught the attention of the
Of course , there were cer- there were always the generic nicatedthoughtstotheworld world around them.
tain messages that were a message of "Jim loves Jul ie." through a carving. Lockers SophomorelizKizziersaid,"lt
little more clearly stated. Unfortunately, some of the and bathroom walls often added excitement and
• Graff iti could be found in a graffiti was used to send hate offered interesting reading mystery to our society."