Page 118 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 118
Valenti, Jill
Vaughn. Janae
Vaughn. Jeffrey
Veidt. David
Vigstol. Eri c
Vincent, Jeffrey
Vincent. Tony
Wagner. Jeffrey
Waldrop. Scott
Waller. Thomas
Wand. Ryan
Warford, April
Warwick. Dawn
Watson. Michael
Wattier. Rebecca
Weaver. Daniel
Weaver, David
Weber. Sc ott
Weider!. Krista
Weiner. Denise
Weiand. John
Welch. Angela
Welch. Lynn
Werth. Nikki
Wheeler. Wendy
Whetworth, Paul
Wicht, Brenda
Wilds . Aron
Will . Andrew
Williams. Beth
Williams. Jamie
Winkel, Jane
Woeppel. Rachel
Wolf. Justin
Wolfe. Casey
Wolff. Jonathan
Wood, Beth
Wright. Angela
Wyant. Emily
Yepma. Holly
Young. Heather
letterman, Corey
Zito. Stephanie
Zorad. Paul
Zucker. Dana
Whil e most graffiti is considered
vandalism there are some exceptions.
On the side of the Midas building
near Q Street. drug free students ore
allowed to write their names on the
wall. (Valerie Arms)
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114 Graffiti ________ _