Page 121 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 121

Freshmen Mike Ivers . Chris  Lanoha.
                                                                                             Lindsay Gherki .and Nicole Brown are
                                                                                            avid fans for the freshmen football
                                                                                            team  during a  game against
                                                                                            Benson. (Heather Tomczak)
                                                                                      shown  by
                                                                                             Freshman Tom  Brady is  a  new
                                                                                             concept some freshmen had to
                                                                                             adjust to.  especially in  sports.
                                                                                             (Heather Tomczak)
                                                                                            Meeting new friends  and hanging
                                                                                            around with old ones are freshmen
                                                                                            Amara Melonis.  Kitty  Crafton.  and
                                                                                            Molly   Arramovich   (Nicolle

                                                              Lun ch in the 9- 10 cafeteria offered a
                                                              wider  variety  of  food than the
                                                              middle school.  Freshmnen  Aaron
                                                              Steele. Matt Peters . and Garrett Jones
                                                              enjoy theirs.  (Nicolle Cumberland)

   Being  involved  in  volleyball  gives   is  the first  year the freshmen have to
   freshmen  Jenny Cadmus and Megan   commit to a  sport and work really
   Krossomething  to participate in . This   hard. The competition is a lot tougher
                                no to their surprise .
                                (Alex Ghali)
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