Page 120 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 120
Fears Dismissed
•Jill Hoover•
Books hitting the floor, were screams of frustration in and have more classes of-
screams of frustration echo- the 9-10 hallways . Freshman fered to them. Freshman Tm
ing through the corridors, and Alison Smyrk said, "I was Francis said , " The dress code
the hustling and bustling of afraid the seniors were going wasn't as strict , and there wa, r
moving people were just a to be able to pick me out as a more offered at lunch ."
sampling of common noises freshman and pick on me!" By the end of the yea,
coming from the freshmen But , to her surprise it didn't the class of 1995 just about
hallways regularly. happen. had everything figured out . .
Being the largest That was one way the The noises coming from that I
class, about 604 , each stu- freshmen had to adjust side of the building seemed
dent moved about quickly Freshman Scott Shirk said not to be as noticeable. The
thinking about getting his/her that it wasn 't that bad being freshmen had adjusted to the
learne(s permit and taking the youngest, " I really thought combination of the two ·
driver's education. However, that being the youngest and middle schools which meant
the seniors still reminded them smallest in school wasn 't that more fun and friends for even
of the common saying , "my bad." a better year.
mom will take if your mom will The freshmen also They had made their
pick up." found they had more free- mark, and by the end of the
The--seniors. Yes, a big dom because the school was year they were a real part of
fear of the freshmen . Maybe a lot bigger, and that meant the school. They really be-
that's one reason why there they were able to do more longed!
116 Freshmen Divider Before school are freshmen 3Jannon be a freshmen at 1he "big" high schod .
Lay. Jenny Niederhaus. and Sabrina
(Alex Ghali)
Ogaz. They are expressing how it is to