Page 14 - 1992.Millard.North
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Senior Erik Carlson gets a taste of the big life while Summer Vacation Plans
visting the Hard Rock Cafe in Los Angeles during
the bands' trip to Califomia. (Joel stanner)
Let the Good Times Roll
Hot days spent relaxing, enjoying break from studies
•Valerie Arms and Kyle Marler•
The intensity of the school year had California where they explored the sight!
loaded up in May until one thought he/ . Senior Rich Homan said," It was thebes
she could take no more! With last minute because I got a chance to see the wes
reports, homework, and sports, not to coast and be with friends at once!"
mention final exams, it was no wonder On a more local leveL many stu
all eyes became fixed on the clocks dents spent their time involved in sports
throughout the school on May 31 . The Millard Post 37 4 Junior Legion base
However, the focus went much ball team placed second at a regiona
deeper than that. Students had long tournament held in Cape Girardeau
awaited the summer. For Senior Noel Missouri.
Anderson " summer was a great break However, Senior Chris Hunter said
from the hectic schedule of schooL and "The summer stunk because I workec
it gave me time to relax and look for- full-time , and by the time I went out a1
ward to becoming a senior. " night, I was tired."
Although the "school environ- Whether one chose to spenc
ment" was missing, it did not hinder stu- his/her time traveling, working, or just re-
dent's ability to continue learning. Vari- laxing, it was a welcome change. Jus1
ous conventions such as N.S.I., Boys/Girls the idea of having time to do as one
State, and student council allowed for pleased put one in the mood for sum-
this. The band took a trip to southern mer.
Juniors Cindy Chung, Jenny Reinke , Jill Hoover.
Kari VanWinkle, Andrea Zaversnik , Kim Stigge,
and Katie Gloovick find that a fun time is never
too far away from home. Fremont Lakes , located
approximately 45 minutes away, offered a place
for people to water ski. (Jamie CLanton)
Even Swimming Coach Dan Murphy finds
necessity in wearing a life jacket on the boat ride
at the Conagra fountains. located in the
downtown area. (Courtney Proplesch)
Juniors Chad Boomgaarden, Deanna Frenk , and
Sophomore Allison Miller , along with members of
their church youth group, gear up for their boat
ride through the Niagra Falls. (Jenny Cose)
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Summer Highlights