Page 98 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 98


                                                                             •Angie Rinker/Marci Levine•

                                                         An aroma of new  of them had been here last              Not only were sopho
                                               school books and the sound  year and had a better feel for  mores with drivers  license:
                                               of slamming lockers from anx-  the school and knew what to  able to drive to sc hool.  bu
                                               ious students filled the minds  expect from the upperclass-  they could drive almost any
                                               of sophomores.  This  year  men.  Nikki  Hegwood  said ,  where they wanted to if the)
                                               things happened.              "We didn't  get made fun of  had their parent's permissior
                                                       Students' minds were  by  juniors  and seniors  be-  and use  of a  car.  Jennife1
                                               filled with new and different  cause we weren't fresh men."   Davidsaid, "ltwasreallygooc
                                               things that they would be               Students also  had  to not be a  freshman any
                                               encountering during their  driving on their minds. Passing   more, not be the baby of the
                                               sophomore year. They would  my driving test?  Will  I get a   crowd and to not have you1
                                               be thinking about driving,  car?  Will  I park on "Sopho-   parents cart you around."
                                               going to classes , and being a   more Row?"  For  Sophomore        Therefore,  being c
                                               step up from the bottom.      Leslie  Golbitz, getting her li-  sophomore meant one wm
                                                      Sophomores enjoyed  cense would be wonderful, "I  no longer on the bottom run\;
                                               not being the youngest in the  was enthralled with joy to  of the ladder, but on the way
                                               school, anymore and it gave  have my permit.  I  cannot  up to a future filled with prom
                                               themasenseofsecurity. Most  wait to get my license!"        ise.

                                                                                                                            ''  '   \
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                                                                                                           Sophomores  Lynne  Officer. Stephanie
                                                                                                           Zlto . Dawn Fredericks. Anne Donohue.
                                                                                                           Casey  Wolfe.  and Amy Roberts  show
                                                                                                           their  spirit  while  decorating their  hall
                                                                                                           on "Come As  You  Are" day.
                  9 4        Sophomore Divider                                                               (Melanie Goddard)
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