Page 97 - 1992.Millard.North
P. 97

Senior  Soraya  Rodriguez came to
                                                              Millard  North  from  the Dominican
                                                              Republic.  (Chrisfinia Hooper)

                                                                                            German Club: front:  Ryan Bergmann,
                                                                                            Brian  Lucas,  Abbie Harmon,  Lisa
                                                                                            Goldfaden, John Jaeckel.  second
                                                                                            row:  Beena Mechery, Robin  Hutfles .
                                                                                            Amanda Link . back:  Jodi Arvin , Chris
                                                                                            Biga , Jami Arvin , Krista  Hager, Brent
                                                                                            Ruswick .
                                                                                            Latin  Club: front:  Dave Wllsandt. Rob
                                                                                            MacGrunter,  Brad  Wendel,  Brian
                                                                                            Fleming , Kim Kelley , Chris North. back:
                                                                                            Advisor Therese  Tershuren,  Jason
                                                                                            Winterboer,  Julia Kolander, Bill Nervig,
                                                                                            Becky  Allen,  Morgan Shaw,  Renee
                                                                                            Steventon.  Not Pictured:  Liz  Hunter.

   : Exchange  Students  Learn  Culture

                                                       •Kyle Marler•

            At least six  students  can Republic.                  Florencia Sternin,  a Sen-  another exchange student
      from around the world were     This  year the French club  ior from Uraguay, said that in  from  the Dominican Repub-
      able  to share  the class- paid for a native of France to  South America everything was  lic said that her favorite part
      rooms  and hallways with  come to school and help the  different. She said," Kids  don't  of school was the teachers
      Millard  North students. teachers to better teach the  have a  curfew, and we can  and the open campus.
      These  included Melanie  students of the French culture,  drink in  spite of having to be  Stern in said," I love the school
      Sproegel  from  Germany, Catherine Corfdyr -Loquet was  18.  There,  we go out at ll  here, but it is  not very diffi-
      Karinna  Riofrio  from Equa- here for about six  weeks.  p.m. and we get back home  cult.
      dor,  Steen  Juul  from Den- French  teacher  Scott  Butler  at six  a.m." She was happy in   Although  the  ex-
      mark,  Been a Mechery from  said,"Catherine helped us  Omaha, but realized the dif- change students were
      Germany , Florencia Stern in  teach French culture and  ference in culture was a chal- many miles from home, they
      from  Uraguay, and Soraya  taught our upper level classes  lenge."                    looked  at it as a learning ex-
      Rodriguez  from the Domini- some grammar points."            SeniorSoraya Rodriguez,  perience.
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