Page 113 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 113

Getting License  To  Drive                                                               On Nov. 18 students wait  in  line to exit

                                                                                            the school. Because everyone got out at
                                                                                            the same time, lines were longer than
                                                                                            usual.  (Heather Deffenbaugh)
   Meant Gaining Privileges

                                     -    Ashley Pixton
           ''That  was  very  inter-  licenses.  Sophomore Cassi  for some time driving's novelty
    esting , but  since  you  ran  two  Timmons said , "My license gave   wore off.  "Driving just is  not as
    red  lights ,  drove  up  onto  six   me  a  lot  of  freedom.  I  could  fun  as  it  used  to  be.  With  the
    curbs ,  and  almost  hit  a  dog   finally go where I wanted , when   cost of gas and insurance, driv-
    YOU  HAVE  FAILED  YOUR  I wanted."                       ing  has  become  expensive,  "
    DRIVER 'S  TEST  I  !  !"  For     However,  some stu-    said  Sophomore  Mike  Henry.
    most   sophomores  about  to   dents were punished by parents  Other students  also  had  opin-
    turn  sixteen ,  that  was  their  through not being able to  drive.  ions  .  Junior Ben  Thompson
    worst  nightmare.  One sopho-  "Whenever I got   into trouble,  said, "Driving's  not  as  exciting
    more ,  Chris  Lanoha ,  found   my  parents  would  ground  me   when it's legal."
    that  the  nightmare was reality.  from  driving  .  It  was  like  they   Even  with  some  stu-
    "I failed  my  test five  times be-  were  holding  my  car  captive  dents becoming tired of driving,
    fore  I  passed.   It  was  quite  until  I  behaved  the  way  they  or  their parents temporarily
    embarrassing, " said Lanoha.   wanted me to ," said Sophomore  grounding them , it was still their
           After passing the test,   Lance Bailey.            ticket to the places they wanted
    most  students  enjoyed  their      After having a  license  to  go.
                                                                                                        Morris, Jonathan
                                                                                                        Moten, Michael
                                                                                                        Mudd, Leslie
                                                                                                        Mueller, Nicole
                                                                                                        Mull, Jon
                                                                                                        Mullikin, Steven

                                                                                                        Mummey, Brian
                                                                                                        Niederhaus ,Jennifer
                                                                                                        Nielsen, Cory
                                                                                                        Nielsen, Mary
                                                                                                        Niessen, Amy
                                                                                                        Nietfeldt, Rodney

                                                                                                        Nord, Bradley
                                                                                                        Norlem, William
                                                                                                        Northrop, Seth
                                                                                                        Novak, Angela
                                                                                                        Nyffeler, Reed
                                                                                                        O'Gara, Jaime

                                                                                                        Oates, Jessica
                                                                                                        Obrien, Amanda
                                                                                                        Odoherty, Renee
                                                                                                        Ogaz, Sabrina
                                                                                                        Ohloff, Blake
                                                                                                        Okeefe, Kevin
                                                                                                        Olson, Daniel
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