Page 115 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 115
Junior Heather T unink goes to the library
in search of ideas to write about for the
literary magazine. (Ted Graham)
Magazine Creates Video
-Alice Lin
A group of 20 students ries. Faculty Advisor Kim bers who created the book and
met throughout the year to cre- Vawter said, "The literary maga- video consisted of students who
ate the literary magazine. A zine gave students a chance to came from all specialty back-
booklet and a video were sold at express their creative side. It grounds. There were video art
the end of the year to students was their vehicle for expression." specialists, narrators, poets,
and teachers . Forthefirsttime, avideo music composers, typists, and
The booklet and video was made for student contribu- computer specialists.
consisted of a variety of compo- tors to read their work in front of "Seeing your own work
sitions turned in to a committee a camera. The video showed published was a great feeling
of students to evaluate. Any students reading their literary art because it gave me a sense of
student could submit an article with expression. Senior Wendy accomplishment," said Senior
to be printed . The committee, Booth said, "I enjoyed watching Dan Eilers.
then , read the literature and de- the end result of the video. It is The literary magazine
cided which ones should be put good to see the students read- and video were produced once
into the magazine. ing their compositions with so a year for students. The cost
Students turned in a much expression." was $5 for both the magazine
variety of poetry and short sto- The committee mem- and the video.
Rasgorshek, Kris
Rathbun, Asten
Ray, Tara
Reed, Chad
Reynolds, Stacy
Rhoda, Aaron
Richardson, Sara
Rigby, Shauna
Riley, Austin
Riley, Erin
Riley, Kara
Ring , Chad
Ritonya, Jacob
Roads, Christina
Roberson, Talia
Roberts, Justin
Robinson, Kristin
Robinson, Kurt
Rockwell, Jennifer
Romero, Ryan
Rose, Donnetta
Ross, Meghan
Roth , Danielle
Roth , Jay
Roth , Tamra
Rowell, Chris
Russell, Thoma&
Ruswick, Brenton