Page 111 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 111
Environmental Club: front- Advisor
Club Helps Environment Angela Carlson, David Ory, Jamie
Nelson, Ben Thompson; second row-
- Ashley Pixton . Janette Liu , Brian Bruggeman , Jonathan
third row- Julie Stabno, Ann
"Reduce, reuse, re- five soda can drop-offs strategi- The Enviromental club Heaney, Dulcie Holland, Caren
cycle! " was a phrase that one cally located in the school. Each did not start these projects until Friedman; fourth row- Carla Baumert,
Amy Chiou, Jacy Feelhaver, Missy
could hear being said from room week the drop -offs were cleaned December due to the change in Tennison, Ashley Pixton ; fifth row- Liz
245 on Thursdays after school out and the cans were recycled. leadership. When the previous Goodbrake, Jessica Fry ; back-Tammy
during Environmental Club The Enviromental Club year's sponsor left, Co-Presi- Kratzer, Stacy Cummings, Amanda
meetings . But talking was not planned to clean up a park in the dents Ben Thompson, Jamie
all Environmental Club did. community and distribute flyers Nelson and David Ory had to
The Environmental Club to the community that reinforced find a new sponsor. Angela
h ad several projects throughout recycling's importance and gave Carlson, an Enviromental Sci-
the year. They recycled Christ- recycling locations. "We wanted ence teacher, agreed to spon-
m as trees and soda cans from to clean a park in the community sor the Enviromental Club. "I
the school. The Club worked as to show others how beautiful decided to be the sponsor be-
v olu nteers at the Trendwood parks can be. Hopefully that cause it was rewarding to work
Recyclin g site. They unloaded motivates people to 1) help clean with a motivating group of stu-
trees from cars or surveyed the other parks and 2) stop littering" dents that wanted to improve
p eople bringing trees. Co-Presi- said Co- President Ben Thomp- the earth," said Carlson.
dent Jamie Nelson said, "It was son. E-club's goal for distribut- After finding a sponsor
import ant to recycle Christmas ing flyers was to inform people of the club held meetings starting
trees so all those thousands of recycling in the city. Junior Ann in late November. Despite get-
trees wouldn't be wasted." Heaney said, "We hoped that if ting organized late, the club
The Club also prevented they knew exactly where they managed to make up the differ-
the wasting of soda cans at MN could recycle, they would make ence with cleaner enviroment
by recycling them. There were an effort to recycle." projects.
Lewis, Lisa
Lewy , Drew
Lindhjem ,Matthew
Lindsey, Casey
Littlewood, Carrie
Liu , Janette
Livesay, Jammie
Lorenzen ,Zachary
Ludlow, Leanna
Luka, Peter
Lund , Amy
Lutz, Kevin
Maas, Jennifer
Manthei, Mike
Marr, Heather
Matteo, Martha
Mattox, Andrew
Maxwell , Stacey
May , Stephanie
McAdams, Holly
McCoy , Brad
McCune, David
McGargill, Katie
McGovem ,Colleen