Page 117 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 117

Habits Ease Homework                                                                   Stretch ing  out  on  th e  table,  Senior

                                                                                          Jenny McCarthy catches up  on some
                                                                                          reading  for  her  next  class.   (Andy
                                  -Caren Friedman                                         Katzman)

       No one likes to do it.  No    Sometimes certain parts   work,"  said Bitsos.
  o ne  chooses to do it, but every-  of the house were easier to con-  Quality of  homework
  one has  to  do it.  Homework. As   centrate  in .  The typical  desk  often depended upon the time it
  long  as  there  was  homework,  and chair were often left empty.  was  done.  If  homework was
  there  were  ways to  make  it   "I liked  to  spread out all  of  my  completed early on , it seemed to
  e asie r.                   stuff on  my  floor,"  Junior Tara  look more polished.  If it was left
       The  ways  to  make  Bitsos said.  "I  found  it  more   until  the  last  minute,  it  usually
  homework  easier depended  comfortable to  work on  my bed   turned out sloppy or incomplete.
  upon  good  study habits.  Study  than  at  a  desk,"  said  Junior  "I do all  of  my homework right
  habits  could  make or  break  Tiffany Tarr.              away so I can  get it  over with ,"
  ~rades ,  happiness, and  overall   Some  found  it  benefi-  said  Tarr.  Such  initiative was
  .veil -being .  If good habits were  cial to  study in  groups.  Bounc-  not always possible.  "I have a
  e arned  early on , homework was   ing ideas off of one another and   job, so my homework has to wait
  ;fte n less  of  a hassle.  To over-  sharing  notes  helped  enforce  until late at night," said Bitsos.
  :ome  some  of  the  hassles,  facts.  However, this approach    As  much  as  students
  Sophomore  Matt Wilson knew  was not best for everyone. More  complained about the  amount
  N hat  got  him  in  the  studying  eating, gossiping, and laughing  and  difficulty of  their assign-
  nood.  "I always had the music  was accomplished than  actual  ments, they always seemed to
  Jlaying  or  MTV  on  when  I  at-  nose-to-book studying. "We tried   come up with ingenious ways to
  :e mpted  work."            that study group thing; it  didn't   get through it.

                                                                                                        Shirk, Scott
                                                                                                        Short, Aimee
                                                                                                        Short, Nathan
                                                                                                        Siemek, Nicole
                                                                                                        Silberstein ,Seth
                                                                                                        Simmonds , Dawn
                                                                                                        Skaff, Andria

                                                                                                        Small, Jennifer
                                                                                                        Small, Kelly
                                                                                                        Smith,  Monte
                                                                                                        Smith, Nicholas
                                                                                                        Smith, Regina
                                                                                                        Smyrk, Alison
                                                                                                        Snider, Brian

                                                                                                        Snow, Brent .
                                                                                                        Sorensen, Knsty
                                                                                                        Sprague, Aaron
                                                                                                        Staack, Patricia
                                                                                                        Stanner, Sara
                                                                                                        Steele, Aaron
                                                                                                        Stephenson ,Kristen

                                                                                                        Stillwell, Amy
                                                                                                        Stimmler, Mark
                                                                                                        Stoltzmann, Krista
                                                                                                        Stortz, Troy
                                                                                                        Stultz, Lee
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