Page 109 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 109
Improving Social Skills With Peers
-Alice Lin
A new community ser- problems that could occur to the month and each peer advocate "Peer advocate gave a
vice group called Peer Advocate students, keeping confidential- was to spend at least four hours person who had little or no social
was created in hopes of giving ity, and becoming knowledge- per month with his/her buddy. skills a chance to improve his/
chances for students to get in - able with the family background Along with individual activities, her life and look at things in a
volved with the special educa- of special education students. one group activity was arranged new light," said Senior Jason
tion students from their school. The chance to make every month, such as bowling, a Winterboer.
The purpose of this new friendships brought satis- movie, or a party. The chance to meet new
group was to integrate the spe- faction to both the student and Senior Melissa Connell friends that were never actively
cial education students into the his/her peer buddy. "When I said, "I joined peer advocate in involved in the first place pro-
community and to give them a was assigned a peer buddy, I hopes of gaining more commu- vided satisfaction for all students.
chance to develop their social didn't feel like I was forced to be nity service hours. But after I "Everyone needs friends. Peer
skil ls. nicetothem. ltgavemeachance went through the training and advocate gave opportunities for
Each peer advocate had to give back to the students who met my peer buddy, I'm glad I'm all students to not only help oth-
togo through training before they have never had a real friend ," in this group. I've learned a lot ers, but to give them the chance
were assigned a peer buddy. said Freshman Elizabeth from my buddy, and I'm happy to spend time with their peer
The training consisted of learn- Good brake. that I got the chance to make buddy and to make a new friend, "
ing seizures and other health The group met twice a new friends." said Sponsor Beth Johnson.
Kaiser, Jeffrey
Karpan, Rebecca
Kaspar, Jeff
Katzman, Andrew
Keenan, Christina
Keiser, Kelli
Kelley, Drew
Kelley, John
Kelly, Kevin
Kelly, Nicholas
Kenefick, Keeley
Kerrigan, Kathryn
Ketteler, Andrew
Kiernan, Colleen
Killam, Sarah
Kilmer, Jeremiah
King , Marshal
King, Zachary
Kirk, Troy
Kirkebak, Todd
Kirkpatrick, Jake
Klein, Elayne
Knag , Haley
Knier, Jennifer
Knittel, Stefani
Knudson, Dacia
Kocarnik, Robert
Koch , Adam