Page 120 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 120

Freshmen Ready For First  Try

                                              In  New High School Setting

                                                                               -  Wendy Malesa

                                                  Worried eyes filled  the   that  on  the  first  day  of  school,  Friday nightvarsitygames.  The:
                                             hallways on  the  first  day of  seniors were going to try and sell   also had to get ready for their firs
                                             school, for the incoming fresh-  all  of the  freshmen a  hall  pass  Homecoming pep  rally  and  firs
                                             men.  Many things were  on   and  for  a  little  bit  more  money  formal dance.
                                             their minds, as  they entered  you would be able to buy a eleva-  "The high school has a bet
                                             the hallways, which held twice  tor  pass!"  laughed  Freshman  ter  atmosphere,  an  extrem1
                                             as many students than before  Alison  Thomas.  Others, such   amount of freedom and  a lot  o
                                             in  their middle schools.   as  Freshman Nathan Wood  new people to  meet and friend
                                                     One of the main con-  claimed " I wasn't worried about  ships to  start," said Wood.
                                             cerns of most students was to   any upperclassmen because  I'm    Freshman Alison  Tho
                                             take that big step in  life. That  good friends with a lot of juniors  mas  summed  the  year  up  b:
                                             was getting a driver's permit.   and seniors."             saying, "my freshman year was i
                                                     Freshman  also  had        Throughout the year the   blast, and I don't think I will  eve
                                             other worries such as " I heard   freshmen  were  gearing  up  for  forget it! "

                Upperclassmen treat us
                bad, but I think that they
                do it in a fun sort  of way.
              ,-Mike Burright

                Highschool is  alot
                different then  middle
                school,  more people,
                and there  is  always a
                party or  something
                going on, I really like it a
                              -Jay Mount      Amy  Wylie,  Shawn  Petro,  Nicole   Kristin  Dickey  is  preparing her
                                              Leefers,  Andy  Mordow,and  Karyn   demonstration speech for a speech class.
                                              Moss  group together during studyhall   (Michelle Cadmus)
                                              to discuss upcoming events.
                                              (Ted Graham
                11 6
                          Freshmen Divider
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