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someone scurrying home from NCAA teams. said Senior Mike Tesmer. low. Rivalries were not only with
school to get the mail and scan This brings up the ques- For some people sports the players on the teams, but
the newest TV Guide and cur- tion about why are people fans? were their life and they have those who were spectators as
rent Sports Illustrated? If you The answer was different for followed athletics for as long as well. " I like to joke around with
have then you have seen the each person; however, some they played the sport. " I have my friends about the rivalry be-
acts of an addicted fan . He/she generalities are for most fans. kept up with the Phoenix Suns tween the Celtics, and the Lak-
will do anything to watch his/her Many followed the team of their since I can remember. In fact, ers. I'm a huge fan of the Celtics,
team on TV or in person, follow choice because the team was I've lured many of my friends to and no one can ever get by with
it, and support with the wide va- from the same state or city, Oth- follow the Suns because of Kevin saying something negative about
riety of athletic sportswear or ers chose to follow teams be- Johnson (KJ), my favorite player, them," said Senior Matt
even try to convince others that cause they played the sport and now they pay close atten- Ferguson.
his/her team is the best. themself and wanted to enhance tion to the team like I do. They Now , you'll be able to
Along with being a fan their game or simply enjoyed didn't even know who the Suns identify and know some of the
of their school athletics many watching the game as well. "I or KJ were,"said Senior Nancy reasons why people are such
carry it farther than that. Numer- watch Darryl Strawberry when- Niemann. avid fans. Be careful though;
ous students are also fans of ever I can. He's my idol. I'd love Others enjoyed the con- you may catch yourself becom-
NFL, NBA , the Majors, NHL, or to be just like him in the future," versations centered around ing an addicted fan!
Warner, Lisa
Weaver, David
Webb, Correy
Wehner, Kristen
Weinacht, Amber
Weisse, Kristen
Wellsandt, David
Welsh, Kerry
Whited, Donald
Whiteing, Stephen
Wilcox, Natalie
Wildrick, Adam
Will , Carlyn
Willert, Christopher
Williams, Kelly
Williams, Sarah
Wilson, David
Wilson, Elizabeth
Wilson, Jennifer
Wilson, Matt
Wilwerding, Debra
Wilwerding, Laura
Wise, John
Wahl, Janelle
Wolff, Mary Jo
Wood, Kenneth
Wright, Frank
Youngman, Blake
Zelle!, James
Zgoda, Amy