Page 123 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 123

Fears  Keep Many on Edge

                                     -Angie Rinker

          The  sight  of  a  spider,  characters that frightened them.  Jodie  Emerson  said.   "Fires
   noises  heard  in the middle of the  Small  things  such  as  spiders,  scare me  because they kill
   night.  a dark house when no one   snakes, and  bugs scared some  people and burn down houses,"
   else  is home.  These things and   people,  but  larger problems  Freshman Shanna Christensen
   many  more  caused a scare for  made others apprehensive.   said.
   some  students throughout their      Death and the unknown        The future and life after
    lives .                     was  a  big  topic  that alarms a   high school was one of the more   Freshman  Cheyenne  Pixton  worries
          When  students  were  number of people.  "I fear dying  common things that frightened   about pollution and  environmental
   younger  some could remember  because I don't know what it  is   people.  "I  fear that I won 't get   problems.  To  help alleviate this worry
                                                                                            and fear, she does some studying  on the
   fearing  certain  things.  "I'm not   like," said Sophomore  Jeff Kai-  into college.  I want to  get into   subject.(Ted Graham)
    really  scared  of  anything  now,  ser.  To go along with that, Jun-  college  really  bad,  but  I  don't
    but  when  I was  younger and at   ior Kelly Kisicki said , "My big-  think I have the grades," Junior
    Disney  World , I was scared  of   gest fear is  the world coming to   Molly McClure  said . "I'm scared
    Mickey  Mouse , Goofy, and all of   an  end."             of  being  on  my own  after high
    the other characters that walked    Domestic phobias such   school," Senior  Angelique Bean
    around  the  amusement park,"   as the environment were also a  said.
    Junior  Melissa Miller said .   concern  for  various  students.   Therefore,  fears and
          As  students  got  older  "I'm scared of pollution because  phobias were unique, and  they
    there  were  other things and cir-  it kills animals/people and  ruins   kept those bothered by them on
    cumstances  besides Disney  the  ozone layer,"  Freshman  the edge.

                                                                                                        Bender, Eric
                                                                                                        Bensley, Melissa
                                                                                                        Billings, Heather
                                                                                                        Bisbee, Jayson
                                                                                                        Bitsos, Annie
                                                                                                        Blatny, Stacey
                                                                                                        Bloyd, Nicholas
                                                                                                        Boggs, Michael
                                                                                                        Bohling, Robert
                                                                                                        Borgmeyer, Chris
                                                                                                        Bostrom, Elliott
                                                                                                        Bouc,  Daniel
                                                                                                        Bousom, Joshua

                                                                                                        Bowlin, Krislyn
                                                                                                        Brasel, Wendy
                                                                                                        Brennan, Daniel
                                                                                                        Bresley, Nicole
                                                                                                        Brown, Eric
                                                                                                        Brown, Jeffrey

                                                                                                        Brown, Jeremy
                                                                                                        Brown, Matthew
                                                                                                        Brown, Melvyn
                                                                                                        Bruning, Michael
                                                                                                        Bruns, Lindsay
                                                                                                        Bunger, Teresa
                                                                                                        Burch, Sara
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