Page 125 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 125
Junior Paul Covolo i:lnd Freshman
Elizabeth Goodbrake follow the script
and check the sound system . (Michelle
Pantomime Challenging
- Caren Friedman
Theater involves lots Without extras such as pleased," said Fischer. "Both
and lots of props, right? Wrong. cupboards, dishes, and stoves, new and old faces were seen,
The winter play, Our Town, re- the actors were challenged with and each grade level was repre-
quired very few props. Accord- pantomiming. "The pantomim- sented."
ing to Director Jan Fischer, it ing was very confusing. Since This play also introduces
was Thorton Wilder's intention there was no set for us to visu- the major role of the stage man-
to make the audience realize alize, the entire cast had to agree ager, played by Senior Tom
how similar the characters were on where certain things should Dempsey. The stage manager's
to us. take place," said Senior Brian part was to tell the story of Our
This put the audience's Lucas, who played the part of Town, which takes place in
imaginaton to the test. Actions Joe Stoddard. Grover's Corners.
such as stripping beans, pump- Pantomiming was such "However, the entire cast
ing water , and delivering papers an important aspect of Our really pulled together to make
had to be interpreted by the au- Town, it was a factor in decid- this such a successful produc-
dience . ing parts. "Overall, I was tion ," said Senior Pete Berquist.
Coe, Mark
Coffey, Tomeka
Cohn, Jennifer
Connell, Rosalyn
Connelly, Jennifer
Connelly, Justin
Conway, Joshua
Coonrod, Brent
Cooper, Kellie
Costello, Anthony
Coufal, Dayna
Coyle, Brian
Crewse, Elisha
Crites, Matthew
Crum , Jamila
Curbeam, Carlisa
Cyr, Justin
D' elia, Michael
Dambrosia, Amy
Decastro, Karlie
Deffenbaugh, David
Deitloff, Christopher
Delashmutt, Emily
Deming, Kyle
Deselm, Timothy
' Dettman, Michael
Dickey, Kristen
Diehl, Emily