Page 151 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 151
SPEAK your mind about procrastination
"School interferes "I always "I don't really
with my free time and procrastinate. Other procrastinate, but I
entertainment. School things come to mind and take a lot of time on
is not that interesting I just do it. It doesn't projects. When I
so I procrastinate all help my grades much." hurry it tends to look
the time." SophomoreJay Petters unfinished."
Junior Matt Haney Junior Kristina Leary
- Cortney Christensen
Art is easy. Artists just sit around to many contests throughout the area, in-
doodling with pens or brushes or slapping eluding Scholastics Art Awards, State Youth
some clay around, call it art, and get an "A", Art Month , Bellevue College Senior Show,
right? Not!! and De Soto Bend . One advantage to art
Students felt the time crunch as competitions was that the students did not
they struggled to meet project deadlines, have to go to perform; they just sent in
competition deadlines, and scholarship projects they worked on throughout the
deadlines. They discovered that art was · year.
anything but simple, easy, or quick. Seniorswereespeciallybusy,send-
A major struggle for most students-ing portfolios of their art work to various
was getting their projects in on time. Dead- colleges for scholarships and admittance.
lines crept up and took students by surprise. If the destination was too far· away, slides
Senior Un Hwa Running said , "I was a slow had to be taken and developed. Some
worker and I wanted to take my time. I didn't colleges and most scholarships were very
like to be rushed ." competitive, so the students had to meet
In order to meet these deadlines, it the deadlines or risk losing a lot of money,
often meant many inconveniences. Senior or even admittance into their college of
Dawn Chadwell said "I never got enough choice.
done in class. I usually started three or four Despite all the hard work and stress,
days before the project was due." This most students found it worth their time.
meant transporting the projects from school Whether it meant hundreds of dollars of
to home, and back to school again without scholarship money, a gold key at a compe-
ruining them. tition, or just a project that turned out right ,
Art teachers were also busy trans- it was time that usually brought satisfaction
porting art work. They sent students' work to those who were competitive.
Senior Tricia Allen uses the paper cutter in order to cut
her project to size. One must be careful not to cut too
much off, or the student risks cu tti ng off the art work he/
she spent a lot of time on. (Derik Hendrickson)