Page 154 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 154

J.V           Debate:  front- Brent Eastman,
                  Aaron McKain, Jessica Wilson, Terra Sabag, Heidi
                  Dawes,Denise Weiner;  second row- Brian
                  Goodbrake, Liz VanTilburg, KellyTichauer, Shannon
                  Bode, Alex Grigg, Brent Ruswick,Marcus Graham;
                  back- Richie  McWilliams, Stacy McMichael, Brian
                  Kirchoff, Katie Ecklund, Jonathan Cohn, Kyle Norman.
                  (Ted Graham)

                  Lincoln  Douglas  Debate:  front- Dan  Schneider,
                  Emily Wyant, Jenny Faila, Trasi Martin, Kara Binderup;
                  back- Lisa Gonzales, Juan Roman, Chris Hall, Tom
                  Freeman. (Ted Graham)

                  Novice Debate: front- Josh O'Donnell, Pete Luka,
                  Trevor  Foster,  Tony  Costello,  Heather Walters,
                  Colleen  Kurnan,  Kirsten  Mattson;  back- Mark
                  Thomason,   Josh Conway, Nick Larma, Jessica
                  Vandercoy, Todd Hilkemann, Seth Northrop, Jeremy
                  Rother.  (Ted Graham)

                                     Preparation was a key element to success in  debate.
                                     Senior Jessica Wilson and Junior Kelly Tichauerdiscuss
                                     positions on  their topic of debate and plan strategies
                                     for winning the round .(Dana Zucker)

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